Following the launch of Vivo X60 and Vivo X60 Pro, it was announced that there will be a third phone called Vivo X60 Pro +. Unlike its siblings that run on the Exynos 1080 chipset, the Vivo 60 Pro + will have a Snapdragon 888 processor. Now, a leak has revealed that there may be another version with a different Snapdragon chipset.
According to tweets from leaker Teme (@ RODENT950), the Vivo X60 Pro + will have a version powered by the Snapdragon 875 processor, which has yet to be announced. In one of the tweets, he said that the phone “appears to come with SD875” and in another, he said that alongside the Snapdragon 888 version of the phone, there is probably a new SD875 version.
Vivo X60 Pro + seems to come with SD875🤔
2 vegan leather options, orange (similar to Mate 30) and black.– Teme (特米) 😷 (@ RODENT950) January 16, 2021
Vivo’s high-end flagship is coming next week, the early teaser showing that it focuses on the camera and performance.
Theaser also shows that X60 Pro + comes with SD888 but there is also likely a new SD875 version (sd865 ++).# VivoX60ProPlus pic.twitter.com/a0EWyY06TZ– Teme (特米) 😷 (@ RODENT950) January 16, 2021
Qualcomm has yet to announce the Snapdragon 875 processor. Actually, the Snapdragon 888 was expected to launch as the Snapdragon 875, but it was a surprise when it announced the processor under a different name. These new details reveal that there is a real Snapdragon 875 processor, one that may be a higher clocked Snapdragon 865 Plus chipset.
There is also the possibility that it will arrive under a different name. The Chinese leaker Digital Chat Station said that the processor can be released as the Snapdragon 870. He also added that the chipset has its CPU clocked at 3.19GHz and its GPU will also have a higher clock frequency. For reference, the Snapdragon 865 Plus is clocked at 3.09 GHz.
The launch of the Vivo X60 Pro + is scheduled for Thursday, January 21, 2021 in China. The phone will come in 8GB RAM and 12GB RAM variants according to the listings on JD.com with 128GB and 256GB of storage respectively. It will also come in vegan leather options with one of them similar to the Huawei Mate 30.
Other specifications that have been revealed include a 6.56-inch AMOLED display with a centered punch hole for the selfie camera, a 120Hz refresh rate, an in-display fingerprint scanner, and cameras with ZEISS optics.
NEXT: Vivo Y12s launched with Helio P35 SoC, dual cameras, 5,000 mAh battery in India for ₹ 9,990 ($ 136)