Velasco’s allies confirm plan to overthrow Cayetano


Lawmakers noted the recent “unceremonious” termination of deliberations and the eventual approval of House Bill No. 7727 or the General Appropriations Bill (GAB), which contains the proposed national budget for 2021, even if the funding proposed of more than 20 Government agencies and executive offices have not yet been examined.

“By unceremoniously ending budget deliberations and passing House Bill No. 7727 or the General Appropriations Bill of 2021 on Second Reading, even before the plenary can address appropriations of no less than twenty-one ( 21) agencies and other executive offices, the current leadership of the House deprived the Filipino people of exercising, through their duly elected Representatives, their right to participate in the elaboration of a national budget that better serves the country, ”said the legislators.

Cayetano proposed ending the period of debates and amendments to the proposed budget and instead proposed the creation of a smaller committee “with full powers to entertain the committee, as well as individual amendments by the members.”

With the debate and amendment period closed, the 2021 budget project was approved in second reading and the session was suspended until November 16, which basically delayed the approval of the measure in third reading from October 16 to November 16 .

Special session

This move appeared to have earned the ire of President Rodrigo Duterte, who called a special session on October 13-16 to avoid delays in the approval of the national budget for next year.

“Members of the House were stripped of their legislative duty to scrutinize the spending plan of various major agencies. Instead, this constitutional duty was invalidly delegated through the creation of a ‘small committee that will accept changes to the budget,’ ”legislators said.

“As a result, this rail delegation effectively invalidates and supersedes the important budget process that comprises sponsorship, debate and amendments,” they added.

In addition, lawmakers said the national budget “rail” “runs counter to Congress’ responsibility to develop an open, transparent and meaningful budget.”

“The power of Congress was bastardized when it was stripped from the plenary, in each and every one of the legislators, and deliberately left to be monopolized by a select few,” the legislators stressed.

The decision to suspend the session earlier than expected, lawmakers noted, also violates lower house rules.

“As we stand firm in our duty, we believe that the House of Representatives needs a true leader who can inspire and not discourage colleagues; a leader who can unite and not divide the House; a leader with the heart of a public servant and not with the heart of a tyrant; a leader who listens and empowers others, and not just a clique that builds walls to avoid others; and a leader who is committed to serving the people rather than serving his own interests and personal ambition, ”lawmakers said.
