“Pieces of a Woman” has garnered many awards for the courageous portrayal of Vanessa Kirby as Martha, a woman suffering the loss of her baby during childbirth. Since its premiere at the Venice Film Festival in September, the conversation has also centered on a scene depicting the nativity scene, which was filmed in a 24-minute uninterrupted take as her character moves around the apartment, even in and out. of the bathtub.
And while it was intimidating to shoot, Kirby told the Variety Awards Circuit podcast that it was actually a relief to do it in one take. “Some people are a little surprised when I describe it like that, because they think it would be scarier, but honestly, honestly, it is not,” he said. “I was definitely more afraid of the idea of taking a lunch break [and then] come back, have to go to the bathroom and try to get to a level where she could be. My biggest fear was that at some point it would feel fake. “
Kirby spoke to VarietyThe Awards Circuit’s podcast about her work on both “Pieces of a Woman”, now on Netflix, and “The World to Come”, which also premiered at the Venice Film Festival and is screened at the Film Festival from Sundance this month ahead of a February 12 release. Kirby opened up about her acting journey, having a sleepover with her co-star Ellen Burstyn, and her upcoming projects, including more “Mission: Impossible” movies. Listen below:
The British actress is best known to audiences for her work on the first two seasons of “The Crown” and films such as “Hobbes and Shaw” and “Mission Impossible – Fallout.” But Kirby started his career on stage. “I realized that what those three years in college gave me was total permission to fail,” he said. “And oh my gosh, I did. I was terrible. “
She said of her first on-camera job: “I was totally terrified, every minute. It really was a rabbit and headlights. “
Kirby was eventually cast as Princess Margaret alongside Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth II in the first two seasons of “The Crown.” But Netflix was still a relatively new broadcaster and unprepared for the international success that the show would become.
“There was some innocence,” he said, noting that season 2 was already in production when the first season aired. “I really thought my mom would like it and my grandmother might fall asleep. And I’d be happy with that, you know, ”he joked. “So when it came out, and suddenly I was getting such a warm and lovely response, I think we were all really impressed. And then when Claire brought her Golden Globe to the set, it was so surreal. “
When Kirby was offered the role in “Pieces of a Woman,” he said, “I felt ready to do a lead role. I suddenly thought, I think now is my time. I think I feel ready to do it, knowing what that was. responsibility and without underestimating it ”.
The film is directed by Kornél Mundruczó, from a script by Kata Wéber. The two are partners and knowing that the story was intensely personal to them, Kirby admits that he felt an added responsibility to get it right. She spoke to many women who had lost their children at different stages of pregnancy and said that “I literally couldn’t have done it without them.”
The intimate drama also stars Ellen Burstyn as Martha’s mother, and Kirby said she was in awe to meet the actor for the first time. Burstyn, however, quickly reassured her.
“He did an amazing thing where he said, ‘Honey, do you want to come to a sleepover? Let’s have a pajama party! And so I did, ”Kirby said. “We had a pajama party and we stayed up until 3 am, we talked all night. She made me dinner. It was very sweet. And that helps ease the advantage a bit. “
Also on this episode of the podcast, Paul Raci talks about his role in the Oscar nominee “Sound of Metal,” and the Awards Circuit roundtable looks at the latest good and not-so-good edits for a growing field of nominees. film awards.
VarietyThe “Awards Circuit” podcast, hosted by Clayton Davis, Jenelle Riley, Jazz Tangcay, and Michael Schneider (who produces), is your one stop for lively conversations about the best of film and television. Each week, the “Awards Circuit” features interviews with top talent and creatives from film and television; discussions and debates on award races and industry headlines; and a lot lot more. Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or anywhere you download podcasts. New episodes are released every Thursday.