MANILA, Philippines – Vanessa Hudgens plays not one, not two, but three characters in The Princess Switch: Switched Again, and her shooting experience was as crazy as it gets.
“I’m always up for a challenge, so I thought let’s do this and see what happens,” the actress told a Filipino press group in a recent virtual interview.
Switched Again is the sequel to the 2018 Netflix original film in which she played a Chicago baker named Stacy who met her identical, Lady Margaret, Duchess of Montenaro and fiancee of Crown Prince Edward of Belgravia, during a baking contest. abroad. They decided to change places and their destinies inevitably changed.

Margaret’s path to the kingdom becomes crazy and exciting, thanks not only to baker-turned-princess Stacy (left, played by Vanessa), but also to the presence of another dead bearer.
In the sequel, Stacy is now a princess and married to the Crown Prince, while Lady Margaret is about to be crowned queen. And another resemblance enters the picture, Lady Margaret’s party cousin, Fiona, and things can’t get any crazier.
Vanessa said, “It was really fun though because I was able to really get hands-on with the new character Fiona and just develop her from scratch. They gave me complete freedom to give her whatever accent I wanted and they really helped build her look and she is very over the top and extremely dramatic. And that’s also a bit of me. So, it was really nice to be able to bring that into the picture. But man! After a 13-hour day on set and making changes and performing with different versions of myself, my brain was very drained. “
When asked which character is closest to her in real life, she said that there are parts of herself in all of them that she totally relates to.
“I think Stacy is your girl next door. And this is how I think of myself, as if my schedules are a little hectic sometimes, and people can recognize me, but actually I’m just a normal girl and I can do what I love. And she is very ingrained and I work very hard to stand firm. “

Party girl / drama queen Fiona (also Vanessa).
“Margaret has been in the spotlight and is taking the crown. And I identify myself with being in the spotlight, as I’ve been in it for quite some time, ”he said, adding that he studied royal families to develop the role. “Being someone born royalty, I feel like you behave in a certain way and (because of that) I wanted to make sure that his physique was different (from the other characters).”
She continued, “And Fiona, you know, she’s basically like me when I’m feeling really overdone and dramatic. I really trusted my director Mike (Rohl) to fool me if I was doing too much. But it never did. So that’s what we have. “
Vanessa is not only the star of the film, but also its producer (she was also an executive producer on the previous year’s Netflix Christmas movie, The Knight Before Christmas).
“I think that, as an actor in a project, you always have a point of view and suggestions for the project, but you don’t want to push the boundaries. And actually being a producer meant that I wasn’t overstepping any boundaries and I had to be really involved with the script and with the development of all the characters, and have a say in the wardrobe, hair and makeup, and just make sure to that this is the best thing I could bring to you. “

Photos courtesy of Netflix
The 31-year-old actor will next star in Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda’s directorial debut, Tick, Tick … Boom !, the film adaptation of the Tony Award-winning musical of the same title, to be distributed by Netflix. .
Vanessa said it was not easy to get to this level where she is now taking on more important roles and opportunities in Hollywood.
“I mean, I love that I make it look easy, but you know I’ve been in the industry since I was nine years old, professionally. I’ve been at this for over two decades, which feels really weird to say, I’m considering the fact that I still feel so young.
“But it’s busy and it’s about being vigilant. And when you believe in something, you like not to take no for an answer and keep fighting for what you believe and what you know you can do, and if you are not given the opportunity, you take it for yourself and simply. continue the hustle. It’s all about the hustle and bustle. “
Meanwhile, with The Princess Switch: Switched Again being a Christmas movie, how are you getting into the Christmas spirit?

Photos courtesy of Netflix
“In fact, I’m still stuck on Halloween (laughs)… and I decorated so intensely for Halloween. And I really don’t know what to do with everything … But I love to see everyone’s Christmas spirit and ways of decorating and I think, as in 2020, all the rules go out the window! So, I had a friend who started decorating before Halloween, which actually bothered me a bit, but for each one their own. I am thinking of being with my mom and my sister. Where exactly yet, I’m not sure why I’ll be working. But as long as I’m with my family, I’m happy. “
Vanessa, whose mother is Filipino, was asked if she ever vacationed in the Philippines.
“I have not spent the holidays in the Philippines. I hate to say I have never been to the Philippines. My mom left when she was 25, and she came back for the first time a few years ago and I was in Italy when she left, otherwise I would have gone with her. But it’s at the top of my list when it comes to places I want to go when we can all travel. “
Princess Switch: Switched Again is now available on Netflix. At the time of writing, it is the number one content Filipinos see on the streaming platform.
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