Guthrie challenged Trump over QAnon, an unfounded online conspiracy theory that the FBI believes is a potential national terrorist threat. When asked by Guthrie if he would denounce the QAnon theory and “just say it’s crazy and not true,” Trump replied, “I don’t know about QAnon.
“What I hear about it is that they are very much against pedophilia,” Trump said.
Then Trump apparently offered an unspoken defense of QAnon, whose supporters believe that a cabal of Satan-worshiping Democrats, Hollywood celebrities and billionaires run the world while engaging in pedophilia.
This week, Trump shared a post from a QAnon Twitter account claiming, without foundation, that Joe Biden had had a Navy Seal team killed. Guthrie asked Trump why he had done it.
That was a retweet! People can decide for themselves! “Trump said.
Guthrie replied, “I don’t understand that. You’re the president, not someone’s crazy uncle. “
On Twitter, Trump’s niece, who wrote the book Too Much and Never Enough documenting her experiences with her uncle, seemed suggest Guthrie could be wrong.