Trump supporters harass Brian Kemp’s daughter over dead ex-boyfriend – Raw Story


Supporters of President Donald Trump have taken his campaign of harassment against the Republican Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, to new lows.

the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Trump-loving conspiracy theorists have gone beyond just targeting Kemp and are now going after his entire family.

While speaking with reporters on Thursday, Kemp revealed that some Trump fans had been sending hate messages to his 19-year-old daughter, Lucy Kemp, with conspiracy theories about her longtime boyfriend, Harrison Deal, who died in a car accident earlier this month.

“It’s gotten ridiculous – from death threats, [accusations of] bribes from China, the social media posts my children receive, ”Kemp explained. “We have a ‘no crying rule in politics’ at Kemp’s house. But these are things that, if I said so, would lead me to the woodshed and I would never see the light of day. “

Kemp also told reporters that any Trump supporter upset about the 2020 election should put his family on the sidelines and file their complaints with him directly.

“If someone has a problem with something I’ve done, they should come see me and I’ll talk to them,” he said. “They don’t need to bother my wife or my kids or anyone.”

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