THOUGHTS FOR LIVING: Prepare for UNDAS: Some Notes


  1. The Feast of All Saints (November 1) originated in the East in the fourth century as the Feast of the Martyrs. Pope Gregory IV established it as the Feast of All Saints in 835 for the Western Church. Since then, it has been celebrated on November 1.
  2. All Souls’ Day (November 2) also ran early. But in the 11th century, Saint Odilo of Cluny ordered all monasteries to celebrate it on November 2. This became a universal practice. It is a day to remember the dead, pray and offer indulgences for them. Protestants don’t believe in purgatory. And so on November 2 they simply remember their dead loved ones.
  3. The two days together remind us of our Creed, “I believe in … the communion of saints.” I believe in the unity in Christ of the triumphant Church in heaven, the militant Church on earth and the Church that suffers.
  4. On the first eight days of November, a plenary indulgence can be obtained by visiting a cemetery and praying for the dead. The usual conditions apply: Confession, Communion and prayers for the intention of the Holy Father. On November 2, a plenary indulgence can also be obtained by visiting a church or oratory and reciting the Our Father and the Creed and praying for the Holy Father’s Intention. Confession and Communion are also needed. A plenary indulgence is the total remission of sins and of all temporal punishment due to sin. This is the exercise of the authority of the Church given by the Lord to forgive sins.
  5. It is said that the word UNDAS comes from the Spanish word “honor”, honor. But I prefer the meaning that one of our co-pilgrims gives us. UNDAS is the acronym for “A Day of Souls and All Saints”.
  6. Although the two days are separate civil and liturgical days, in the Philippines we seem to put them together as “Araw ng mga Patay” (whether he is in heaven or not yet). Unfortunately, the customs and government rules have effectively obscured the individuality of the two sacred events. The government holiday is November 1. But in many parishes, it is November 1 when the faithful gather in cemeteries to honor the dead. Then on November 2, everyone must travel back to their places of work. The ideal is to declare the first two days of November as holidays.
  7. I invite you to send me a list of your loved ones who died. I will post the list in a box for my Masses during the month of November.

Prayers, stay safe, God bless you!


