There are no professional periods yet for UAAP athletes, says the executive director
Luisa Morales (Philstar.com) – December 18, 2020 – 9:45 am
MANILA, Philippines – UAAP student-athletes will not yet be able to participate in professional leagues without giving up their eligibility to play at their respective universities.
This despite the recent introduction by the Games and Entertainment Board (GAB) of the Special Guest License (SGL) that would allow college athletes to participate in GAB-authorized leagues.
“Right now, in the eyes of the UAAP, as long as any league is sanctioned by the GAB, we regard it as a professional league,” said UAAP Executive Director Atty. Rebo Saguisag at a press conference on Thursday.
“Every athlete who participates in it will be considered a professional athlete, which disables him to participate in the UAAP, which is an amateur league,” he added.
NCAA ok with special license
Rival league UAAP NCAA has already accepted the terms of the GAB SGL and has given its athletes the green light to participate in professional leagues through the special license.
The SGL would require a student-athlete to ask their school for permission to participate in the professional league, and it would keep them eligible to continue playing at their respective colleges and universities in the amateur leagues.
However, Saguisag said the UAAP is still open to further discussion and a possible policy change should it be in the best interest of its student-athletes.
“We continue to be dynamic, the league is dynamic, and we continue to listen and observe changes at the national and international level about what would be best for the student-athlete,” Saguisag said.
“Si makakabuti sa kanila, there is nothing stopping us from changing our policy,” he added.
The UAAP has recently canceled its 83rd season amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and is targeting a late 2021 start date for the 84th season.
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