Back to the future II, “The Samson Sky Switchblade begins on the tarmac before transforming into its flight mode. Then wings and a tail unfold from the body, giving the car its Switchblade name.” data-reactid = “29”> Great Scotsman! A flying car team says their V4-powered vehicle has hit 88 mph on a track. That’s the required takeoff speed but sadly, it doesn’t time travel. Like Doc Brown’s DeLorean in “Back to the future II, “The Samson Sky Switchblade starts out on the tarmac before transforming into its flight mode. Then, wings and a tail unfold from the body, giving the car its Switchblade name.
The car is powered by a V4 turbo that propels it to 60 mph from a standstill in 6.5 seconds and has a top speed of over 125 mph. According to Samson Sky, the vehicle can be driven on regular streets, classified as a motorcycle, to your neighborhood regional airport.
From there, you can fly into the skies at a cruising speed of 160 mph, although the top speed is 190 mph according to Samson Sky. The Switchblade claims a 500-mile range, which Samson Sky says cuts a 500-mile trip down to 3.5 hours. Of course, that’s if you live 15 minutes from a regional airport, which is a caveat in Samon Sky’s calculations.
In the image (Photoshopped with blur) included in the press release, the wings and tail of the Samson Sky Switchblade have not been unfolded. So to be clear, it’s in testing stages right now. According to the Samson Sky website, they are “now only a few months away from the first flight” and, as stated in the FAQ section, a fuselage parachute is included.
Even so, Switchblade has received more than 1,300 pre-orders from 38 countries and all 50 states at its starting price of $ 150,000. You will need to obtain a pilot’s license before you can fly it and a motorcycle license to drive it. After that, you will not need roads where you are going.