Take a look at this Super Mario 64 PC port before Nintendo lawyers jump


A Mario fan has created a charming and functional port of the classic Nintendo 64 for PC, with 4K graphics and ray tracing, the whole enchilada. Everybody see before Nintendo’s lawyers clean it up like piranhas on a dead cow.

The video showing the port surfaced over the weekend, from a user named “Unreal”. The description says “I can’t give a download link for obvious reasons and DO NOT ask for a download link in the comments, “which I’m sure won’t deter the really curious. The video is 12 minutes long and shows a lot of the game:


The port (which Unreal says is not an emulator) looks beautiful, as you can see in the video. Okay, there’s only a huge amount of glitter you can do in a fifth generation game, but those are some damn polygonal edges, I swear. I would like to play this if I had my hands.

If I know anything about Nintendo, it’s that the lawyers must be foaming at the moment. The Big N is one of the most inflexible companies when it comes to fan projects, especially when it comes to fan remakes or ports of their intellectual properties. They are gone later Metroid remakes, ROM websites, and for a long time refused to stop chasing YouTubers who posted images of Nintendo games. And it’s not hard to see why, since it’s no more immune to image leaks than any other company (see also: Smash Bros leak). So I’ll give you this disclaimer in advance: I have no idea how long this PC port will stay active before Nintendo jumps on it like a rabid glutton.

Even if we assume it was great with the idea of ​​a fan transferring the game to the PC, there is also a rumor that Nintendo plans to release a remastered game. Super mario 64 for the Switch sometime this year (hopefully the first of many N64 games the Switch desperately needs). If I were Nintendo, I would rather have players queue up to pay the remaster at full price than the beautiful PC port. I bet we will know for sure how true the rumors are when we see how long it takes for someone to contact Unreal with a cease and desist. I have no idea if they will have a leg to stand in court or not, but I bet they will take it very well.

But for now, we have this footage. Let’s admire it while we can.

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