Space Force: First Netflix Comedy Trailer Starring Steve Carell Coming Soon


Space Force, Steve Carell’s next big Netflix show, premieres later this month, but the network has yet to release a trailer. That’s about to change very soon, as Netflix has confirmed that the first Space Force trailer will be released on May 5.

Netflix has also released a new key piece of art for the show, which depicts Carell’s character wearing a uniform that is basically camouflage for the moon. The sign also says: “Space will never see us coming.”

Comedy in the workplace focuses on the people charged with creating a new branch of the US Army, the Space Force. The show is apparently based on the real-world United States Space Force that was established in 2019 to protect American and allied interests in space.

In addition to Carell, the Space Force stars John Malkovich, Ben Schwartz, Diana Silvers, and Tawny Newsome. There are 10 episodes in Season 1, all of which will be available to stream from May 29.

The show was created by Greg Daniels, known for adapting the British version of The Office for the American public to many hits and cheers. For more information on what’s new on Netflix in May, watch the GameSpot video above.

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