SINGAPORE – Short-term travelers holding an air travel pass with travel history to New South Wales (NSW) in Australia within the last 14 days prior to departure for Singapore will not be able to enter the Republic starting Thursday (Dec. 24).
Additionally, all long-term pass holders and short-term visitors with a recent travel history to the UK in the past 14 days will not be allowed to enter here or transit through Singapore, the Ministry of Health (MOH ). .
This will also apply to all those who have obtained prior approval to enter Singapore, the Health Ministry said.
The stricter border restrictions will go into effect at 11:59 p.m. Wednesday.
The Health Ministry said in its statement that the multi-ministerial working group to combat Covid-19 has been closely monitoring the global situation and that border measures were tightened due to the deterioration of the situation in the UK and the resurgence. of the number of Covid-19 cases in New South Wales. .
Singapore citizens and permanent residents (PRs) returning from the UK will need to undergo a Covid-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test upon arrival in Singapore, at the beginning of their stay-at-home advisories. 14 days.
The Health Ministry pointed to recent reports of a potentially more contagious strain of the Covid-19 virus circulating in the UK, saying officials there are concerned about this as well and have implemented stricter restrictions, including imposing a new lockdown. in London.
“While it has been suggested that the strain is more transmissible, there is currently insufficient evidence to determine whether this strain is associated with any change in disease severity, antibody response, or vaccine efficacy,” added the MOH. .
“These aspects are being investigated by the UK authorities,” the Health Ministry said, adding that the Health Ministry “will assess the data as it arises and will review our border measures accordingly.”
For Singaporeans, PRs and long-term pass holders entering Singapore with a history of travel to NSW in the last 14 days prior to departure for Singapore, must provide a notice of stay in the seven-day home at your place of residence.
These travelers will also need to undergo a Covid-19 PCR test before their notification period ends.
Regardless of their point of origin, all Australian travelers will be required to declare their travel history at the airline check-in prior to their flight to Singapore.
The restrictions on New South Wales travelers follow a five-day lockdown imposed by the state government last Friday (December 18) on Sydney’s North Beach area, home to more than 250,000 people. This followed the emergence of a cluster of cases focusing on two restaurants and entertainment venues in the coastal suburb of Avalon.
More than 80 locations, including cafes, gyms, casinos and supermarkets across Sydney, were identified that had been visited by those infected.
On Tuesday, NSW reported eight cases of Covid-19 in the community in the last 24 hours, compared to 15 the day before. Seven of the new cases were traced to a group in Sydney’s northern coastal suburbs, bringing the total number of cases in the group to 90.
All other travelers to Singapore who have been to Australia in the last 14 days prior to their trip will continue to be subject to a Covid-19 test at the airport upon arrival, rather than a stay-at-home notice under the Air Travel scheme. Pass. .
The plan allows all forms of short-duration travel, including leisure travel. This is in contrast to reciprocal green lane agreements between countries, which are typically for essential business and official travel.
MINSA reiterated that it will continue to adjust border measures to manage the risk of importation and transmission to the community.
Those wishing to keep up to date with the measurements can visit the SafeTravel website.
The Health Ministry reminded all travelers to accurately declare their travel history, adding that strict enforcement measures will be taken against false statements.