Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who is currently busy filming for ‘Antim: The Final Truth,’ allegedly celebrated his bodyguard’s birthday on the film’s sets. A video of the birthday celebration is going viral on social media in which Jagraj Ghooman aka Jaggi can be seen cutting his birthday cake. Jaggi offered the cake to the ‘Bharat’ actor, who opened his mouth, as if to eat it; however, he turned and did not taste the delicacy. Jaggi and others on the sets laughed after Salman refused to eat the cake. The ‘Race 3’ star, known for being a fitness fanatic, is quite conscientious about his diet.
Salman Khan celebrates the bodyguard’s birthday
Jaggi took to social media to share the video of the birthday celebration along with the caption, “Thank you very much bhai and our team.” He thanked Salman and the ‘Antim’ team for celebrating his special day on the film’s sets. Khan was sporting a blue T-shirt and sweatpants in the video. Check out the clip!
Photo of Salman Khan with his bodyguard goes viral
A retro photo of the ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ star with her two bodyguards Jaggi and Shera is causing a sensation on the internet. Salman can be seen posing with Jaggi and Shera in the picture. Interestingly, the 54-year-old actor had played the role of bodyguard in the 2011 film of the same name. The action comedy film, directed by Siddique, also featured Kareena Kapoor Khan.
On the professional front, Salman will appear in “Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai.” The movie was scheduled to hit the silver screens on Eid 2020; however, it was delayed due to the COVID-19 crisis. Manufacturers have yet to announce a new release date. The cast and crew completed filming in October 2020. The long-awaited film also stars Disha Patani, Jackie Shroff, and Randeep Hooda.
Speaking of ‘Antim: The Final Truth’, Salman will play the role of a Sikh policeman in the film. Last week, Aayush Sharma shared the actor’s first look at the film on social media.
Salman, who is currently presenting ‘Bigg Boss 14’, will turn one more year on December 27.
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