Reggie Fils-Aime is starting a podcast for charity


Reggie Fils-Aime, the beloved former president of Nintendo of America, is jumping on the podcast bandwagon. He is starting a new show alongside gaming journalist Harold Goldberg appropriately called “Conversation Games with Reggie and Harold”.

The series features Fils-Aime and Goldberg speaking to “high-profile” executives in the gaming world, as well as developers and students from New York. Video game media veteran Geoff Keighley, who hosts The Game Awards, is the first guest.

The podcast will also serve to help raise funds for the New York Video Game Critics Circle, a nonprofit charity that provides scholarships and other aid to students in New York. Fils-Aime and Goldberg will call on their audience to donate to a GoFundMe campaign that will give games and consoles to youth in homeless shelters.

People who donate will receive bonuses, including access to an auction for rare Nintendo items, including a copy of Nintendo Power signed by Shigeru Miyamoto.

“Our vision is to create a fun, entertaining, and informative podcast with the goal of benefiting nonprofits,” Fils-Aime told The Washington Post. “I was born in the Bronx … where I spent time mentoring students literally miles from where I spent the first eight years of my life. I know how challenging it is, but with the right opportunities and experiences, we are looking to create some future leaders.” .

Fils-Aime is known for his long career as president of Nintendo of America, while Goldberg is a veteran gaming journalist from New York City who, among other things, conducted an interview with Rockstar Games founder Dan Houser, over the company’s 100 hours of work.

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