Over the Moon is a delightful animated musical that launches on Netflix, and to celebrate the occasion we had the pleasure of participating in a virtual event prior to its release, speaking with lead stars Phillipa Soo and Cathy Ang, as well as Ken Jeong and Margaret. Cho, and finally with director Glen Keane.
With Soo and Ang, we talked about the celebration of Chinese culture within this film and how proud they are to share it with the world, while asking the former what the secret of a good musical is (we hope you have an idea, having been a Hamilton star). Jeong and Cho also talk about how important it is to have Chinese stories in mainstream movies, and the duo comment on their surprise encounter on the latest season of The Masked Singer.
Finally, with director Keane we discussed what drives him as a storyteller and which characters he has most enjoyed working on throughout his illustrious career in animation. He also talks about the beautiful script by the late writer Audrey Wells and how she helped bring this incredibly personal story to the screen. See the three interviews in full below.
Phillipa Soo and Cathy Ang
Ken Jeong and Margaret Cho
Glen keane
Fueled by memories of her mother, the resourceful Fei Fei builds a rocket to the moon on a mission to prove the existence of a legendary moon goddess.
Over the Moon opens in select theaters on October 16 and launches on Netflix on October 23.