Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, October 12) – The programs and initiatives of the Philippine government are aimed at declaring a climate emergency, according to the Secretary of the Environment, Roy Cimatu.
In a statement over the weekend, Cimatu, who chairs the Cabinet Group on Adaptation to Climate Change, Mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction, said declaring a climate emergency would help deepen the country’s commitment to protecting the economy and the environment. environment from the adverse effects of climate change. .
“The Philippines has already suffered billions of losses, damages and disruptions due to the impacts of hydro-meteorological hazards, so there is an urgent need to address the most projected adverse impacts to ensure climate justice for current and future generations of Filipinos. Cimatu said. “All government programs and initiatives are leaning towards declaring a climate emergency.”
The DENR chief noted that the climate change cabinet group has passed resolutions supporting strategies for the Philippines to achieve its goals under the Paris Agreement, an international agreement that commits measures to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 ° C above pre-industrial levels.
These include the call for consolidated government data in an attempt to generate a national climate risk assessment.
“With consolidated government data, which is very important in articulating the climate justification for developing project proposals, local government units could have easier access to the People’s Survival Fund for their development projects related to climate change, ”added Cimatu.
Malacanang previously assured that President Rodrigo Duterte will consider the suggestion of the environmental group Greenpeace Philippines, which again asked the CEO to declare a climate emergency.
Duterte, in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly in September, called on all parties to the Paris Agreement to honor their commitment to join the fight against climate change, adding that the Philippines intends to do the same. .