‘Not a great result’ for New York Democrats as Republican Party wins


Weather: Mostly sunny today, high in the mid 60s.

Alternate Side Parking: Effective until Wednesday (Veterans Day).

New York Democrats had high hopes heading into the 2020 election. They thought they could increase their numbers in the state House of Representatives delegation by winning in some traditionally Republican districts and capturing a veto-proof supermajority in the Senate. state.

But preliminary vote totals appeared to frustrate the hopes of Democratic officials and indicated a resurgence of Republican power in the New York suburbs.

[Some suburban strongholds swing back to the G.O.P. in New York and across the country.]

Due to the pandemic, New York is counting a record number of mail-in ballots. Most counties and New York City will not begin tabulating those ballots until Monday. That means voters will have to be patient with the official results.

Still, on Wednesday night, Republican candidates were the favorites to win the most contested House elections. Nicole Malliotakis, a Republican state assemblywoman, had declared victory in her race against Max Rose, a Democratic incumbent representing Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn. On Long Island, Andrew Garbarino, a Republican, had also claimed victory over his Democratic rival, Jackie Gordon. The Associated Press had not held a contest.

[Get the latest results from New York State here.]

Jesse McKinley, The Times’ Albany bureau chief, spoke with me about what the elections meant for New York politics. Here are excerpts from our conversation, which has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity:

Q: What happened in New York on Election Night?

A: Democrats who thought they were going to ride another “blue wave” didn’t see that happen. The huge number of voters who rallied in 2018 for progressive candidates in the midterm elections may have materialized, but they were countered by excited Republican voters drawn to the polls, likely by President Trump.

The bottom line is that while a couple of years ago there were eight Democrats winning state Senate seats and progressives like AOC bursting onto the scene, this year they are fighting to maintain the status quo in the state Senate and are looking to lose a couple of seats. in Congress.

So it’s not a great result for New York Democrats, who have been dreaming of a supermajority in the state Senate or an all-blue congressional delegation, but it’s still not a disaster.

What do state Democrats think of the results so far?

I think in terms of state policy, they are disappointed that they are not based on majorities in the state Senate. And they are very cautiously optimistic that they can win the presidency, and for Democrats everywhere that has been the biggest prize of all.

They are also asking for patience in the same way that Joe Biden’s campaign has. They say there will likely be a red mirage on election night that will clear up later, and that process is ongoing.

And the Republicans?

They thought they had a great night. They thought they were going to pick up seats; They thought they were going to build momentum for next year’s mayoral race in New York City and build momentum by 2022.

Would you call this a “red wave”?

I think not. I think it shows Republican and conservative people in the state that they still have a seat at the table and can win races. But New York isn’t getting redder. It gets more blue.

Since @nytarchives On Instagram:

Do you know what this machine is?

If you do, you’re of a certain age and remember when voting used to be a tactile affair: walk into the booth, press your candidates’ buttons, and then lower the lever to cast your vote. The wheels of democracy in action!

On Election Day 1975, Grace Webster scanned the list of questions while waiting for voters on 143rd Street in Harlem, New York, according to Times photographer Eddie Hausner, who captured the scene.

In contrast, this fall many New Yorkers did not touch a voting machine. According to election officials, more than 1.2 million voters mailed ballots across the state.

It’s Thursday, make the day count.

Dear Diary:

“How are you?” asks a stranger as the L train throws us through the tunnel into Manhattan.

“Good,” I say. “You?”

“It’s not okay,” he says, laughing a little. “Thanks for asking. No one is okay!”

Maybe it was the coffee that leaked into my bloodstream or the way I sometimes get dizzy when traveling underground, but suddenly I spit out the truth.

“My day is horrible.” I say. “I feel pretty lonely, scared that I won’t do much with my life except ride this train to and from work.”

“Now we are talking!” he says, waving his hand for me to continue.

I spend a minute sharing the news of my life. Spend a minute sharing yours. We look around and then we look at each other and laugh.

When he exits the train, I watch him walk away and turn in the same way that he probably has many times before. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice her lips curl into a smile.

For the first time in a long time, I feel a little more than good.

– Jen Glantz

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