Microsoft patented a chatbot that allowed you to talk to dead people. It was too disturbing for the production.


A patent granted to Microsoft (MSFT) last month he detailed a method for creating a conversational chatbot inspired by a specific person: a “past or present entity … such as a friend, a relative, an acquaintance, a celebrity, a fictional character, a historical figure,” according to filing with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

The technology is reminiscent of a fictional application in the dystopian television series “Black Mirror” that allowed a character to continue chatting with her boyfriend after he died in an accident, by extracting information from his social networks.

Do you want to talk about music with David Bowie? Or get some words of wisdom from your late grandmother? In theory, this tool would make it possible. But don’t get too excited or too scared – the company does not plan to turn the technology into a real product.

Tim O’Brien, general manager of artificial intelligence programs at Microsoft, said in a cheep on Friday he “confirmed that there is no plan for this.” In a separate cheep, also echoed the sentiment of other internet users who commented on the technology, saying, “yeah, it’s disturbing.”

This is how technology would work if it were embedded in a product. Based on the patent information, the tool would select “social data” such as images, social media posts, messages, voice data and written letters from the chosen person. That data would be used to train a chatbot to “converse and interact in the personality of the specific person.” It could also rely on external data sources, in case the user asked the bot a question that couldn’t be answered based on the person’s social data.

“Discussing the personality of a specific person may include determining and / or using the specific person’s conversational attributes, such as style, diction, tone, voice, intention, length and complexity of the sentence / dialogue, theme and consistency”, as well such as using behavioral attributes such as interests and opinions and demographic information such as age, gender and profession, the patent states.

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In some cases, the tool could even be used to apply facial and voice recognition algorithms to recordings, images and videos to create a voice and a 2D or 3D model of the person to enhance the chatbot.

While Microsoft has no plans to create a product from the technology, the patent indicates that the possibilities of artificial intelligence have gone beyond creating fake people to creating virtual models of real people.
Microsoft’s patent application was filed in April 2017, which O’Brien said on Twitter It predates the “AI Ethics Reviews We Do Today”. These days, the company has a responsible AI Office and a Committee for AI, Ethics and Effects in Engineering and Research, which help to oversee its inventions.
