
Crawford wins by stoppage Mikey Williams
WBO Welterweight Champion Terence Crawford (37-0, 28 KOs) started slow but finished strong, stopping former IBF Champion Kell Brook (39-3, 27 KOs) in the fourth round at The Bubble at MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas, NV on Saturday night. .
The fight started tentatively. Both fighters showed respect. They prodded. Neither landed much. Brook shot lefts to the belly and head. They both landed. His plan, wait and fight back, was working. Crawford hit a short hook near the end of the stanza.
In the second round, Brook’s jab continued to land. Crawford cut Brook with a forehand lead. Brook’s left was causing trouble for Crawford. Because of this, he switched to southpaw, but Brook probably won that round.
Crawford, still struggling from left-hander, threw right jabs in the third round. Suddenly, it was landing. Brook landed with a right hand, but ate two more punches. Crawford, raising the ante, blew up Brook with two right hands, Brook fought back, but the jab didn’t land as much.
In the fourth round, Crawford, up close, landed a powerful right hand that sent Brook stumbling over the ropes, probably saving him from falling. A combination of tracking made Brook stagger a bit more. Referee Tony Weeks stepped in and called the result a knockdown. Brook got hurt when Crawford advanced. The defending champion fired five headshots, bending Brook’s legs and causing him to sink near the ropes. Weeks had seen enough and dismissed the contest.
The time was 1:14 seconds.
“I was trying to gauge the distance and find my pace,” Crawford said. “Kell is a tremendous talent. He lost to the best man tonight. “