MANILA – A total of 43 mayors may face administrative charges for delays in the distribution of monetary assistance under the social improvement program aimed at helping poor families affected by the coronavirus blockade.
DILG Undersecretary Jonathan Malaya said officials will receive just cause orders to explain the delay. However, he refused to identify the mayors until administrative cases have been filed against him.
“If your reason is not acceptable to the department, then we file administrative cases with the Office of the Ombudsman, likely for serious misconduct or breach of duty and it will now be up to the Office of the Ombudsman to determine the appropriate sanctions.” Malaya said in an interview with ANC on Thursday afternoon.
Malaya said that if found guilty, they could face possible suspension or removal from office.
Forty-three mayors will receive just cause orders from DILG for poor performance in distributing emergency cash subsidy under SAP to low-income families in their localities. https://t.co/GxPTURvqMO#DILGLumalabanSaCovid#WeHealAsOne# BeatCOVID19 pic.twitter.com/yFMlBvHtRN
– DILG Philippines (@DILGPhilippines) May 14, 2020
“What we are seeing in the media are just delays, very limited areas of delays, particularly in highly urbanized cities due to a deficiency in their system.” They face problems due to the large number of beneficiaries they have to attend to, as well as other local problems they have encountered, ”said Malaya.
In addition to administrative cases, DILG is also investigating barangay officials on criminal charges due to reports that some of them bagged funds for low-income families in their respective areas.
“Some resorted to division, others resorted to kaltas or tara and all those corrupt and corrupt practices. Therefore, the secretary decided not to issue any more just cause orders against him because he was no longer[istrative]This is criminal and ordered the CIDG (Criminal Investigation and Detection Group) of the PNP (National Police of the Philippines) to immediately investigate, “he said.
Meanwhile, Malaya said DILG has obtained approval from the Department of Social Welfare and Development to use digital platforms or electronic commerce in the distribution of the second tranche of cash aid to various beneficiaries.
“So that funds during the second tranche are no longer manually delivered to them, but are now electronically transmitted to their accounts,” he said.
Malaya said that about 97 percent of the intended beneficiaries have received monetary assistance from the government. The aid program had targeted 18 million poor families, with the recent addition of 5 million more.
“We are almost there, we have 3 percent left and I hope that the LGU can finish that very soon so that they can settle their first tranche and prepare the presentation,” he said.
Jonathan Malaya, SAP Distribution, Mayors, SAP Distribution Delays, Lockdown Cash Assistance, ANC,