The Korean drama “Joseon Exorcist” has been permanently canceled by the SBS television channel just after two episodes after receiving severe criticism from viewers for the distortion of the story and the use of Chinese props.
“Joseon Exorcist,” a historical drama set in 15th-century Korea under the reign of King Taejong, premiered on March 22 with Korean actors Jang Dong-yoon, Park Sung-hoon, and Kam Woo-sung about a royal family. who fights against evil spirits.
But instead of praise, the first episode drew criticism after it showed King Taejong, played by Kwam Woo-sung, massacring his own people. It also showed Prince Chungnyung, played by Jang Dong-yoon, visiting a tavern and drinking Chinese liquor and eating Chinese food, such as dumplings, century eggs and mooncakes, Yonhap News reported.
This infuriated viewers, who filed complaints with the Korea Communications Standards Commission against the drama.
About 20 companies have also pulled their ads in the drama, including Samsung and LG Household and Health Care due to the controversy.
Koreans are sensitive about China, especially over claims that kimchi and hanbok originated in China.
On the website of President Moon Jae-in’s office, 196,837 Koreans have so far signed a petition to stop the broadcast of “Joseon Exorcist.”
The page and content related to “Joseon Exorcist” has been removed from the SBS website.
SBS said that “recognizing the seriousness of the situation, we decided to terminate the contract to purchase the broadcast rights to ‘Joseon Exorcist’ and cancel the broadcast.”
It was reported that the production company in charge of the drama has already finished filming 80 percent of the series.
Sensitive public reactions to such controversial scenes are expected amid China’s growing claims of Korean culture. Producers should have paid more attention to making the landmark TV series, ”according to Seo Kyung-duk, a professor at Sungshin Women’s University, added Yonhap News.