Kai Sotto on NBA dream: ‘I hope everyone is proud’
Luisa Morales (Philstar.com) – December 25, 2020 – 9:40 am
MANILA, Philippines – Kai Sotto of the Ignite NBA G League team is bringing the dreams of not only himself but the entire country as he tries to become the first full-blooded Filipino in the NBA.
In a short documentary produced by the NBA G League, Sotto spoke about the impact his trip would have on his compatriots.
“If you’ve been to the Philippines, everyone plays basketball. It’s like a religion,” Sotto said.
Born and raised in a basketball-crazy nation, the 18-year-old revealed that he has been dreaming of the big stage for as long as he can remember.
“From the first time I started playing basketball, I made it a goal to be the first full-blooded Filipino to make it to the NBA,” he said.
The last steps to achieving his goal included moving to the United States and being chosen to join the NBA G League’s Team Ignite, a year-long development program that will hopefully make Sotto’s dream come true.
But with competition new-found, the 7’2 “big man admitted that he has been adjusting a lot to play at the pace of his teammates and opponents in the United States.
“It has been a challenge as the game is much faster and the players are more athletic,” Sotto said.
Regardless of the challenge, Sotto hopes to overcome it with the help of his Team Ignite teammates and two-time NBA champion coach Brian Shaw.
“I am blessed to be here, to be trained by Coach Shaw … I am doing my best to be selected in the draft next year,” Sotto said.
“It will be so great, not only for me, but for my family and also for my country. Hopefully everyone will be proud,” he added.
Sotto and the rest of Team Ignite will really test their mettle against seasoned veterans when the new NBA G League season kicks off in early 2021.
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