By Johnny Askounis / [email protected]
Jeremy Lin shared a video on Weibo, a Chinese social media platform, and revealed that he chose to start with the Beijing Ducks. He hopes to return to the NBA after a season at the CBA in China.
“This decision has really been the most difficult of my life”, noted the first Asian-American to win an NBA championship, “Every morning I would wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning, thinking, thinking and thinking all the time. In the end, although Shougang (the Ducks) He has treated me incredibly well, giving me everything I wanted, in the end I feel like I still have NBA dreams. I still have time to play (there) and I have to chase this. “
The 32-year-old guard played 39 games in the 2019-20 CBA season with an average of 22.3 points, 5.7 rebounds, 5.6 assists and 1.8 steals. It was his first professional campaign outside of the NBA and the G League.
“I know many of my fans supported me regardless of whether I was injured.” added in the video posted Tuesday, “Why was this decision so difficult? Yesterday when I shared this with my family and friends when I told them that I would have to leave China, I cried.
A total of 505 games, including 25 postseason shots, make up his NBA resume. Lin’s debut came with the Golden State Warriors, then he released Linsanity as a member of the New York Knicks and joined the Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Lakers, Charlotte Hornets, Brooklyn Nets, Atlanta Hawks and Toronto Raptors.
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