Instant Polls Give Joe Biden An Edge Over Trump In Final Tv Debate US News


Welker, 44, the only person of color chosen to moderate the presidential debate this year, quickly earned praise as the event unfolded in a quieter and less chaotic way than the first presidential debate in Cleveland. The winner of Thursday night’s debate was “obviously” Welker, New York Times opinion writer Jamelle Bouie tweeted.

Wallace, whose own moderation was widely criticized after the first debate, was asked on air what he thought of the tenor of the final debate moderated by Welker. “First of all, I’m jealous,” he said.

Trump, who is trying to attract female voters while following Biden in national polls, also praised Welker after spending the days leading up to the debate criticizing her.

“So far, I really respect the way he’s handling this,” Trump told Welker when she gave him time to respond to Biden at one point.

The praise came after Trump attacked her on Twitter over the weekend. She “has always been terrible and unfair, just like most Fake News reporters,” she tweeted at the time.
