Netflix show, The Queen’s Gambit – based on an orphan chess prodigy – has accumulated a large audience and followers. The latest to join the crowd is author George RR Martin. A game of thrones The writer recently shared the same on his blog where he recommended the series, asking readers to watch it in case they haven’t already.
“It’s an adaptation of Walter Tevis’s novel about a chess prodigy in the 60s and 70s. A very faithful adaptation (yay) of a very strong novel (yay), beautifully written, interpreted and directed. I think everyone will like it. If there is any fairness, the series should compete for awards, ”he wrote.
Commenting on the world created by the series, Martin shared that he was very close to him. “It also made a big impact on me. I know that world. Chess was a huge part of my life in high school, in college, and especially in the post-college years, early 70’s. QUEEN’S GAMBIT reminded me of it all vividly. Like the protagonist, I learned chess when I was still quite young and became quite good quite quickly (although never as good as her). I was the captain of my high school chess team, the founder and president of my college chess club. I wrote and edited the club’s newsletter, GLEEP. The first two great loves of my life were girls I met at chess club (but that’s another story for another time), ”he wrote.
Chess, he admitted, remained a large part of his life even after he stopped playing it. All the faded memories came to light again after she watched the show. “It has been many, many decades since I last ran a chess tournament or even played a game of chess, and the memories had faded … but QUEEN’S GAMBIT brought them all back.”