By Johnny Askounis / [email protected]
Every national team that will play in the Olympics will likely go through several unique situations, including NBA players possibly forced to make a quick change from the conclusion of the regular season to the Olympics. There are no exceptions for Team USA, as Gregg Popovich admits.
“I don’t think we’re going to let the final be seven games,” he said jokingly, relays the Associated Press (AP).
According to the current NBA schedule, Game 7 would be played on July 22. The opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics postponed for this summer due to the coronavirus pandemic is scheduled for the following day. However, nothing can be set in stone at this time.
The challenge recognized by Popovich is to build the best possible 12-man team for the Olympics. Taking into account potential additional issues brought on by the coronavirus or additional date adjustments only adds complications all over the place.
“The Olympics are always on my mind, just like Coach K told me they would be,Popovich pointed out, “You cannot escape from that. So this scenario, as it stands now, seems problematic in the sense that the organization and determination of who will be part of the team has yet to be determined. “
As of now, the plan is to appoint 40 or 50 players to a shortlist squad in early 2021 in the first step down to a 12-man squad for the Tokyo Olympics.
“Time makes everything difficult” Popovich said, “And it will take real soul searching and innovative thinking to build the best possible team.”
Prior to the Olympic Tournament, four more places will be awarded to the winners of each group of the Olympic Qualifying Tournaments. These games are scheduled to take place between June 22 and July 4.
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