The number of deaths from corona and new infections remains at record levels. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) recently called for a renewed tightening of the crown’s rules: shops, schools and kindergartens should be closed in Germany until January 10 if possible.
While the states led by the CDU are in favor of a uniform tightening of the rules at the national level, the states led by the SPD and Thuringia are against it. Existing resolutions would already allow stricter regional closures.
On Wednesday night, both sides agreed to decide on the new crown rules in a circular resolution or conference call on Sunday.
Only two weeks after the last federal-state summit, in which a significant tightening of the crown’s rules was agreed, the state prime ministers with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will finally decide before Christmas on a hard lockdown until the January 10.
Business Insider learned that the federal and state governments agreed on Wednesday night that a joint preparatory group should draft a resolution. This will then be adopted in a circular resolution call or conference call on Sunday. In the case of a resolution by circulation, all states will sign the resolution, but will not meet in person or by conference call.
Previously, there had been numerous discussions between the countries behind the scenes on Tuesday and Wednesday. The seven states led by the SPD, as well as Thuringia and Baden-Württemberg, had rejected a new summit. In his opinion, the necessary regional tightening of the rules at the critical points of the crown is already possible now, but has not been implemented for too long, especially in the south and in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. Furthermore, some districts of Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Brandenburg are now well below the critical incidence value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in one week.
But what can really come out of the summit? One possible scenario: Even on New Years Eve, only five people are allowed to gather, with one exception at Christmas from December 23 to 27. So meetings in dozens are also possible. Children under 14 years of age in both cases are excluded. Some countries have already implemented it. Starting on December 27 there will be a hard lockdown until January 10. Then schools, kindergartens and shops will be closed, except for supermarkets. The heart of the matter is retail. States are demanding a lot more money from the federal government for this measure.
And in fact, they could put in a little more money on top of that, because not much money has been spent on financial aid that has been generously calculated thus far. It is possible, for example, that the November / December aid, in which restaurants receive 75 percent of their turnover from the same month last year when they have to close, will be extended to retail until January 10. But this is very expensive. Therefore, the federal government looks for another instrument, for example, subsidies for fixed costs if they have 40 percent less turnover in January compared to November and December.