Games Inbox: What is your favorite Star Wars video game?


Key Art of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic – they don’t make them like that anymore (photo: LucasArts)

Tuesday’s inbox fears Sony’s zero-tolerance approach to leaks is causing failure, as one reader says that Switch might be Nintendo’s worst console.

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Sub-light speed
So it was Star Wars day on Monday and it was kind of embarrassing that there was no real way to celebrate through the games. Battlefront 2 had just said it was closing support and while Fallen Order is getting a sequel, we don’t know anything about it. And that is. For some reason, even the Pod Racer remaster is next week.

It’s a common complaint that EA dropped the ball with Star Wars, but on the other hand, it would actually say that its three games have been decent to great. The problem is the speed at which they can do them. Now, some of that is due to the repeated cancellation of games (did we have to be so authentic for the movies, guys?), But most of it is due to the problem of the gaming industry taking so long to make today that most developers can only draw one or two per generation, maybe three in a row.

I really wish they would allow some smaller developers and ideas to go ahead, but no, everything has to be the most important thing and so nothing is ever done. People say a new X-Wing game would be too complicated for today’s gamer, so why not make it a lower budget game for a smaller developer? Why not make more strategy games, with simpler graphics? Hell, at this point I’d settle for a Root Beer Tapper but at the Mos Eisley Cantina.

There are a lot of things you could do with Star Wars, but it all moves at a snail’s pace, and unless there’s a change in focus, it will never get better. To me, the best Star Wars games are from around 20 years ago: X-Wing / TIE Fighter, Jedi Knight, Knights Of The Old Republic, and Rogue Squadron were great games, not just good Star Wars ties. Oh well, at least that new Lego game will be out soon …

Impressive, more impressive.
Since it was Star Wars Day, and the new Call Of Duty update still prevents me from playing, I thought I’d download Battlefront 2 for ten. What a great game for £ 10! I have tried all modes and have fun in all of them.

The story actually looks like it could be interesting, but the draw is big expanding battles and occasionally becoming Yoda. I still think the PSP version where you could really fly to the starbase and take over was the pinnacle. But this is great and it already has all the DLC (although 100GB).

Historic moment
I have no real understanding of the esports scene, but I stumbled upon an amazing YouTube channel focused on that. Have you heard of moment 37? Apparently the most iconic esports moment in history? It was on a 2004 Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike play, it’s almost incredible to watch.

Below is a great compilation of highlights over the years. Some of these are weird to induce breakage.

They also have a video of an unknown Pakistani player named Arslan Ash who a year or so ago destroyed the Tekken scene in a true rags-to-riches story.

I recommend visiting this channel, as I have no prior knowledge about electronic sports, but the videos are so well made that it doesn’t matter.

GC: We’ve never heard of it before as Moment 37, but we knew exactly what that clip would be before we clicked. The skill level is amazing.

Email your comments to: [email protected]

Physical approval
I would like to comment on the Streets Of Rage 4 discussion by saying how much I enjoyed playing over the weekend. At first I wasn’t interested in art style, but after spending time with it, I can appreciate the amount of art at stake. Digital Foundry has released a really good video that looks at how the images were created and is very impressive.

I found the game to be really satisfying and I happily remembered Streets Of Rage 2 from my childhood. I didn’t find the fights to be more unfair than the originals (although the resemblance of Freddie Mercury destroyed me). I also didn’t mind having to restart the levels when I died because I was having fun. Maybe the reader who lost the option to run didn’t play like Cherry Hunter? And haven’t special moves always cost you something from your life bar in this genre?

I’ve passed once and unlocked the Axel pixel from Streets Of Rage 1 and it was a nice surprise to hear its original sound effects as well as the return of the missile-throwing police car. Overall, the game exceeded my expectations and I even went nuts and ordered the Limited Run Games Special Edition.

As a big fan of the Streets Of Rage series (I have a Streets of Rage hat, yes?) I am forced to write to give my opinion on the mixed answer. For people who say it doesn’t incorporate moves directly from later sequels, they’ve missed the point, each character is geared toward a different playstyle; I will not ruin the unlockables.

Axel is your all-rounder who will present a challenge and his specials are in his immediate environment. Blaze is faster but can’t take as much damage, Cherry can run around the screen and is very fast with attacks, but like Skate, she is prone to being surrounded. And Floyd is your typical tank-style character: slow, cumbersome but full of power and you have to adapt your playstyle for each character.

I understand that it is frustrating that each character does not have each and every move set that you would like to have, but for me it allows multiple plays using different styles and methods. Add to that the unlockable characters and their range of movements and you will have a multitude of possibilities in a game that could get quite stale if each character had the same movements. Yes, I’m a little sad because my favorite character, Axel, seems to have gotten slower with age and is moving slowly, seeming to be in no rush, but I’m also happy about the style changes this allows.

The work that has gone into this game is, by far, everything I could have hoped for, seeing the breakdown of the Digital Foundry gameplay and the fact that they focused on individual frames from previous games to nail the gameplay makes me feel more grateful for the developers.

The structure of the game also seems to be overlooked.

Story mode is a great way to visit previous stages individually in ways you couldn’t before. Trying certain levels on higher difficulties can be fun and challenging and allows you to practice against certain enemies.

Arcade mode, unlocked after story mode, is a more traditional experience.

While I was in my first game, it all seemed quite unfair at times, but the more time I spent with the game, the more techniques I found that are actually quite smart.

Anyway, fantastic game, and remember that another Double Dragon Neon could easily have turned out.

Platinum gift
I hope GameCentral and its readers are dealing well with the crash. I received an email Thursday afternoon about this news, which is about the delayed release of the physical version of The Wonderful 101: Remastered, but the digital version will normally release on May 19.

Since I am a supporter of The Wonderful 101: Remastered, I chose a physical PlayStation 4 version of The Wonderful 101 and since this will come to me later than planned I will also be provided with a digital version on Steam at no additional cost. may 19.

I’m going to give the digital version to my brother when I asked him what he would like for his birthday in May and he asked me to give the charity money on his behalf, so I was going to surprise him with this digital copy for his birthday.
Andrew J.

Problems in internetland
I have no powerful insights into this Naughty Dog debacle, however I think it’s surprising that it was hit at such a horrible time for Sony. Sony has been walking a tightrope between the anticipation and frustration of gamers with its near-radio silence on PlayStation 5. It’s a strategy that seems less and less of a strategy as time goes on, and in this void comes the Naughty Dog disaster The Last Of Us Part 2.

Internet people’s opinions are as fickle as the wind, and the fact that some outsourced company hit and demonetized YouTube channels for copyright infringement would never be well reduced, even if the right goals are reached. The fact that they’ve beaten YouTubers without the justification that they’ve actually shown or discussed any of the leaks can only do more damage to Sony’s position in the perpetually frothy communities of internetland. I imagine this will do more than ruin The Last Of Us Part 2’s sales prospects, and I think it could have a considerable impact on Sony’s image at a critical moment.

It doesn’t take much for a community to start a company, and if they’re going to give people a legitimate reason to do so, this could easily get away from them and sour the revelation and attitude of PlayStation 5 towards launch.

They crossed their fingers, they knew quickly and they stop aggravating what is already an unfavorable situation for them.

As seen on television
Hot Topic’s presentation on a Battle Royale-based game and how games like PUBG and Fortnite used it as inspiration got me thinking. Since Battle Royale is essentially a game mode, have there been any other examples of media, movies, books, television etc. who have inspired a game mode before?

I can’t think of anything that might have inspired capturing the flag. Can readers think of something?
Angry_Kurt (Twitter)
Now playing: Half-Life: Alyx (PC), Lara Croft and The Temple of Orisis (PC) and SteamWorld Heist (Switch)

GC: Did the predecessors Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars precursors of the Rocket League come before or after that Top Gear episode with cars playing soccer?

Catch up on all previous game inboxes here

Worst. Console. Forever.
In stating the obvious, that Nintendo simply doesn’t have any game ready to reveal, the weekend feature misses the point. They describe the symptom, not the cause. The most interesting and difficult question to understand is why a company with such resources and talent is in this situation in the first place.

Nintendo has several studios and a wide catalog of games that could remaster or produce new entries. As evidenced by second-tier titles like Luigi’s Mansion and Fire Emblem, they would earn money on any of their franchises that they put love and care into. So why is there no F-Zero or Wave Race? Why nothing original when even the darkest ARMS made a profit? Why is there no Super Mario 3D World for Switch to fill this gap? Coronoviruses or not, that they are in their current situation is a sign of mismanagement or, if they have games in the bag that they are not revealing, a bad marketing strategy.

Why haven’t additional studios been purchased or created, or funded by more outside developers to produce exclusives for their system?

Switch is often said to be the best console from Nintendo. Certainly in terms of the hardware. But in terms of first-party games, it’s less clear.

As good as they are, Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, Splatoon 2, and Mario Kart 8 are essentially Wii U titles. And while Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Switch are the best entries in these franchises, I don’t know. You can say the same for Pokémon Sword / Shield or, more controversially, for Super Mario Odyssey. These are undoubtedly popular franchises but apart from Odyssey they still cater to individual tastes and are refinements rather than reinventing the originals. They are not particularly innovative in this regard.

Innovative and in some cases superlative software from independent developers is the lifeline for gamers without whom the Switch schedule would be truly sterile.

With the rating that some of the system’s most famous titles were originally produced for Wii U, it could be argued that, in terms of first-party releases, the Switch is, in fact, Nintendo’s worst console. Of course, this can change. But Nintendo still has a lot to prove.

GC: We have never heard anyone do something like that before. Also, there are a lot of greetings in their statements.

Inbox also-rans
That Gollum game will be brazenly at the Microsoft event on Thursday. So I guess Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Batman and some EA and Japanese company. It’s been so long since we got the right news that I’m not sure I’m optimistic and pessimistic, I just want someone to move and announce something!

RE: Bugs in Deadly Premonition on Switch. I have been playing it for about three hours and the only mistake I have seen is that sometimes the audio cuts out but soon it comes back. Not bad so far.
Chevy_Malibu (PSN ID)

This week’s hot topic
The question for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Traxxus, who asks what his most memorable console launch video game is.

It does not necessarily have to be the one you like best, but the one that left the most impression, perhaps due to its graphics or its quality (good or bad). If you didn’t get the console when it first came out, any game you bought with it, or soon after, would count.

Does it keep launch games on a different level than others compared to what you normally buy? Which launch games do you think are really good and which ones do you surprise that you enjoyed at the time?

Email your comments to: [email protected]

The small print
New Inbox updates appear every morning Monday through Friday, with Special Topic Inboxes over the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and can be edited by extension.

You can also submit your own 500-600 word reader feature at any time, which if used will display in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget Follow us on twitter.

MORE: Games Inbox: Xbox Series X Reveals Preview of Event, Breath Of The Wild 2, and PlayStation All Access

MORE: Hot Topic of the Weekend, Part 1: Movies That Should Be Video Games

MORE: Hot Topic of the Weekend, Part 2: Movies That Should Be Video Games

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