Full video of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Callum Smith fight


Watch the full video of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Callum Smith fight from the Canelo vs. Smith above, courtesy of DAZN.

Canelo vs. Smith was held on December 19 at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas. Canelo Alvarez (54-1-2) and Callum Smith (27-1) collided in a contest for the super middleweight title in the main event of the night, which was broadcast live on DAZN. See more featured videos below.

For more information on Canelo vs. Smith, check out Bad Left Hook’s live blog below.

Round 1: Smith comes out and takes the center ring and makes a couple of shots that lock. Smith hits again and then lands one to the body. Straight to the body comes from Smith at the end of a couple of measuring shots. Jab to the body again makes a little contact for Smith. Canelo tries an overhead hook that blocks. Smith comes back with a short combination. Now Canelo throws a jab and makes contact upstairs. Smith tries another combination that ends in the body but cannot land well. Clean right hand scores down for Canelo. Jab lands on top for Canelo. Canelo has Smith moving backwards and now he has him on the ropes. Smith tries to fight his way, but Canelo continues to stalk and Smith gives ground. I think Smith surpassed him slightly with his early work, but he was close. Smith 10-9.

Round 2: Smith tries a stiff jab that falls short. Canelo continues to press forward on Smith behind a tight guard and Smith looks for a spot to throw his jab to the head and body. Smith’s uppercut falls short. The hard right hook lands to Canelo’s body. Canelo’s Jab lands on top. Smith tries jab several times with uneven success. Canelo calmly stalks Smith and puts him back on the ropes. Jab lands upstairs for Canelo, then a left hook. Smith tries to return fire but does not produce the same impact. Straight right lands to Canelo’s body. The counter to the right of Canelo just fails upstairs. Canelo lands another blow to the head. Canelo 10-9, 19-19.

Round 3: Canelo misses a huge left hook to start the round. Smith tries a right hook that is blocked. Jab lands on top for Canelo. Now Canelo turns that jab into a left hook overhead and brushes past Smith. Smith throws two punches but eats a stronger one back from Canelo. Canelo is throwing his jab much more effectively than Smith, much higher and longer. Canelo takes Smith back to the ropes and unloads two hooks. Smith misses a right counter. Canelo lands another hit on the floor above, then a couple more moments later. Smith throws some shots that have no steam and Canelo returns with a counter with Smith on the ropes. Canelo 10-9.

Round 4: Canelo comes out looking to close range immediately as Smith tries to face him with a series of punches. Right hook lands up for Canelo with Smith on the ropes. Canelo starts to get closer and put together more power shots on Smith. Smith lands a right to the body, Canelo returns with his own right hand. The left hook lands for Canelo in the body this time. Smith isn’t keeping up a pace that will do him any favors on the cards, as Canelo is extremely comfortable in the ring against the taller opponent. The combination comes from Canelo but does not land it well. Canelo 10-9, 39-37.

Round 5: Smith tries a lead hook that doesn’t land. Smith throws a couple of punches but still can’t make good contact. Now Smith partially lands a couple of shots while throwing a few punches. Canelo comes back and walks straight to Smith and dodges a couple of punches. Canelo’s forward left hook makes partial contact. Now Canelo throws a right to the body. Smith misses a couple of long shots to the center ring. Canelo comes after Smith a little more and goes down to the body. Jab lands on top for Canelo. Now Canelo throws a left hook to the body. The left hook lands up for Canelo this time. Canelo 10-9.

Round 6: Smith comes out into the center ring but Canelo takes the aggressive stance and Smith starts looking for space by backing up. Some of Smith’s punches miss and Canelo comes back with his own shots as Smith’s back hits the ropes again. Jab and right hand come from Canelo and they make contact. Smith misses another combination, but can’t make enough contact to prevent Canelo from easily closing the gap. Canelo’s right hook doesn’t land clean. Jab lands for Canelo on top. The double jab comes from Smith but nothing. Canelo 10-9, 59-55.

Round 7: Jab makes partial contact for Smith. Jab lands on top for Canelo this time. Now Canelo throws the jab to the body. Smith throws some punches but Canelo defends them well. Canelo puts Smith back on the ropes as Smith lands a small hook to the body. Now Canelo comes in and throws some power shots while Smith tries to take advantage of the blows. The left hook strikes back down for Canelo. Clean jab lands on top for Canelo, then an uppercut moments later. Both fighters attempt to exchange hooks but neither lands clean. Canelo is in control of this fight. Canelo 10-9.

Round 8: Smith lands a jab to start the round. Canelo misses a left hook jumping for the head. Now Canelo throws a strong blow to the head. Canelo tries an uppercut that doesn’t land clean. Canelo is getting more aggressive now as he is trying to do more damage to Smith. Straight to the body it lands for Canelo. Jab lands on top for Canelo again. Smith hooks on the ropes almost like an act of desperation. Canelo returns after Smith rolls a right hand. Double right comes from Canelo but he doesn’t land it well. Smith against the ropes and Canelo lands a clean uppercut between the gloves. Smith tries to fold his right hand but Canelo blocks it. Another land jab from Canelo. Right hand to the body scores for Canelo. Canelo 10-9, 79-73.

Round 9: Smith shows poor body language between rounds. Canelo begins the round by throwing a jab. The clean right hook lands up for Canelo. Smith tries to charge a shot but misses. Canelo returns and Smith has a nosebleed. The left hook lands to Canelo’s body. The right hand and the left hook land for Canelo now. Smith lands a couple of shots but they don’t have much of an impact. Canelo hits and lands. The right hook hits Smith against the ropes hard! Smith could have fallen if the ropes hadn’t caught him. Canelo comes back with more power shots and Smith is getting hit now. The left hook to the body lands for Canelo at the end of a combination. Smith tries to fight Canelo, but Canelo doesn’t respect his power. The body shot has Smith holding Canelo. The right hook makes back contact for Canelo. Canelo 10-9.

Round 10: Smith’s trainer said he will give him this final round to turn things around as he has been taking more and more punishment as this fight progresses. Jab misses Smith and Canelo lands one in return. The right hook to the body doesn’t land well for Canelo this time. This time, the right wing scores for Canelo. Jab lands clean for Canelo. Canelo’s right double makes Smith grab on the inside. The right uppercut and hook to the body hurt Smith again. Smith retreats as fast as he can, but can’t stay off the ropes as Canelo hits him with power shots to the body and head. Smith looks weak when he throws his punches. Canelo hooks on either side of Smith’s body. Another right and left hook lands hard for Canelo. Canelo 10-9, 99-91.

Round 11: Smith has basically been a big hit in the last few rounds, I’m not sure he has anything left to give here, but let’s see. Smith jabs and Canelo responds with his. Smith tries a few more shots but Canelo defends them well. Jab lands clean for Canelo. Smith receives a hook to the body. Canelo’s right hand divides the guard upstairs. Smith gets back on the ropes and tries to get out of there. Canelo steps forward and Smith throws a few punches, but still can’t land well. Canelo’s tough right hand receives strict attention from Smith. Hard left to the body lands for Canelo. Smith throws but misses. Jab lands on top for Canelo. Canelo throws three punches and Smith rides them along the ropes. Canelo lands a jab to end the round. Canelo 10-9.

Round 12: Smith’s face is quite marked. Fighter’s touch gloves and back to that. Canelo comes out with two power shots that land partially. Now Canelo throws a right hook while Smith takes cover. Canelo looks to end this fight with a statement, but Smith digs deep and throws some punches that Canelo can evade. Canelo’s right hand makes a small contact, the next one lands better. Left to the body it lands for Canelo. Canelo stalks and Smith walks in to tie up Canelo, which gets some boos from the crowd. Canelo’s body shots have Smith looking to hold on or find room to run. Smith runs in and grabs Canelo again, causing more boos. Canelo’s right hook makes contact upstairs. Smith keeps looking at the clock as he wants to get out of this fight. Clean jab lands for Canelo. Smith wants to go home, so be it. Canelo 10-9, 119-109.

The judges scored the fight 119-109 x2, 117-111 for Canelo Alvarez.
