Fauci went on to defend the Food and Drug Administration, which he called “the gold standard of regulation,” and said the US regulatory agency was conducting its vaccine approval process “in a way very careful. ”
Fauci lamented that Americans are already too skeptical of a possible vaccine, saying that if the United States “had overcome the hurdle here quickly and inappropriately to gain an additional week or a week and a half” in the vaccine race, “I think the credibility of our regulatory process would have been damaged.”
While the FDA takes its time to review raw data from drug manufacturers and conduct its own analysis of trial results, the UK regulatory agency relies more heavily on reports submitted by pharmaceutical companies without perform your own independent verifications.
“You know, I love the British. They’re great. They are good scientists, ”Fauci said. “But they just took the data from the Pfizer company. And instead of examining it very, very carefully, they said, ‘Okay, let’s pass it. That’s.’ And they went with that. ”
Fauci’s comments represented not only a repudiation of the British approval process, but also an explicit show of support for the FDA, as the agency’s leaders remain under sustained pressure from the White House to accelerate the authorization of vaccines in the US. USA
Pfizer last month became the first coronavirus vaccine developer to apply for emergency clearance from the FDA, followed by one developed by the US-based Moderna and another by British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca.