Dream Cruises to Hire Singaporeans on World Dream – Cruise Industry News


World dream

Dream Cruises has announced that they will hire Singaporeans to work on the World Dream, which will resume sailing from the country in early November.

This move is designed to “support the local economy” amid the challenges of COVID-19.

“Dream Cruises looks forward to offering cruise travel options to Singapore citizens after many months of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic,” Dream Cruises President Michael Goh said in a press release.

“In order to provide our guests with the highest level of service and hospitality, we are looking within the Singapore talent pool to fill the many different positions available aboard World Dream.”

This comes a week after Genting Cruise Lines, the owner of Dream Cruises, announced that the brand will restart World Dream service in Singapore as it makes its home port debut from November 6, 2020.

The World Dream will be the newest cruise ship built to the homeport in Singapore, according to the press release. It offers a series of two- and three-night “Super Seacation” experiences for Singaporeans during school and year-end holidays.

Goh also said that thanks to the brevity of the cruises offered, Singapore staff will be able to see their families frequently.

“This will make it very attractive to Singaporeans who have lost their jobs in the travel industry during this pandemic,” he said. “The restart … will also benefit all partner companies that support cruise operations and the trickle-down effect will undoubtedly be an important part of the revitalization of Singapore’s economy.”

AB InBev
