A quiet way to spend Friday: listening to Taylor Swift’s surprise folklore tracing Increasingly, as he delves into the deranged theories surrounding him.
One of those theories? The track “champagne problems” is a coded reference from Katy Perry. Other? That folklore and Increasingly will be followed by a third indie folk-themed album titled Woodvale. Our favorite so far? That he Increasingly the song “dorothea” is the reveal of Gigi Hadid’s baby name or a salute to Swift’s longtime friend Selena Gomez. Or both!
Let’s dive in. First, to Gigi’s theory. The supermodel and her partner Zayn have been protecting their newborn from the public eye, but Taylor likely knows the secret name of the child she sewed a blanket for. Swifties, who point out that the names of Blake Lively’s children appear in the lyrics of folklore“Betty”, they allege that the same thing is happening here.
Taylor wrote to Betty using the names of Blake Lively’s children. What if Dorothea is the daughter of Gigi (whose name we use … https://t.co/6Q1PYVWyG2
– Ana🧚🏼♀️ (@ Ana🧚🏼♀️)1607628769.0
They also have a complicated explanation centered on the number eight:
Evermore Theory: Gigi posted a photo with the caption “August, waiting for our girl.” James would look forward to August… https://t.co/rXvVcyJcy3
– Ocean Blue Swift (@Ocean Blue Swift)1607614086.0
Everyone listen to me. My best friend just figured something out, I guess. “August” is track 8 of folkore and gigi has posted… https://t.co/EoOLwFeK5n
– swiftietillmylastbreath 🗿🗿🗿 (@swiftietillmylastbreath 🗿🗿🗿)1607612168.0
The other big theory surrounding “dorothea” is that it’s a nod to Taylor’s friend Selena Gomez, who loves the movie. Wizard of Oz, which focuses on the character of … Dorothy. The letter do She talks about the experience of having a famous friend of Gomez’s caliber: “You are a queen who sells dreams, sells makeup and magazines.”
Shout out to the rare beauty!
hey dorothea do you ever stop to think about me? when we were younger in the park #evermorealbum https://t.co/4uWLwsm2h5
– fran⁴ (@ fran⁴)1607676366.0
Swift, for the record, has spoken at length about how her folklore The era is less autobiographical, more fictional, and inspired by the movies you saw in your early forties. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make a full math meme about it.
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