Scottish and Welsh health ministers were banned from viewing thousands of coronavirus results at rapid test sites for weeks due to data restrictions imposed by the UK government.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) began establishing rapid testing centers across the UK to assess hospital staff and key workers for Covid-19 in early April, but the Scottish and Welsh ministers received the data for the first time at the end of last month.
The DHSC, which hired the accountancy firm Deloitte to run the program, initially decided to only give the results to individual patients, to the irritation of ministers in Scotland.
As a result, none of the positive test results found in Scotland and Wales were included in their daily updates on Covid-19 cases in April, and could not be included in the pandemic planning of those governments.
The very limited data disclosure policies of the DHSC meant that those results could not be shared with the Scottish and Welsh governments, nor with the hospitals these staff worked for, even if they were anonymous. English hospitals reported that some test results were late, lost, or given to the wrong workers.
UK government ministers and health officials described rapid testing centers as a key part of the “five pillars” strategy to tackle the pandemic, saying that their production was essential to deliver on Matt Hancock’s promise on April 2, carry out 100,000 tests per day. End of April.