Come learn about opportunities in space observation at TC Sessions: Space


The space observation market is one of the few commercialized segments of the infant industry and could be worth more than $ 8 billion by the end of the decade, according to some estimates.

Between them, these founders have raised approximately $ 450 million for their respective companies. We’ll look at the opportunities investors see in supporting Earth-looking companies and what’s ahead for the industry. (function () {var func = function () {var iframe = document.getElementById (‘wpcom-iframe-63a70c19e197308b71b71b19a195112) = functionrame (iframe (iframe) (iframe) (iframe) .contentWindow.postMessage ({‘msg_type’: ‘poll_size’, ‘frame_id’: ‘wpcom-iframe-63a70c19e197308b71b19a195112a25c’}, “https: / /”);}} // Automatically adjust iframeRpones var funcSSize = function (e) {var origin = document.createElement (‘a’); origin.href = e.origin; // Check the origin of the message if (‘’! == return; / / Verify that the message is in a format that we expect if (‘object’! == typeof || undefined === return; switch ( {case ‘poll_size: response ‘: var iframe = document.getElementById (; if (iframe &&’ ‘=== iframe.width) iframe.width = “100%”; if (iframe &&’ ‘=== iframe. height) iframe.height = parse Int (; ret urn; default: return; }} if (‘function’ === typeof window.addEventListener) {window.addEventListener (‘message’, funcSizeResponse, false); } else if (‘function’ === typeof window.attachEvent) {window.attachEvent (‘onmessage’, funcSizeResponse); }} if (document.readyState === ‘complete’) {func.apply (); / * compat for infinite scrolling * /} else if (document.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener (‘DOMContentLoaded’, func, false); } else if (document.attachEvent) {document.attachEvent (‘onreadystatechange’, func); }}) ();
