Clippers coach Doc Rivers never thought the NBA season was over


Even after members of the Clippers and Lakers voted to halt the NBA postseason on Wednesday night, Clippers coach Doc Rivers didn’t think the season was over.

“I think everyone else did, but I knew how intense the emotions were and I had a lot of faith that everything would calm down,” Rivers said Friday. But he added that the voting of the players “was close. I don’t think it was a tray in any way. “

Wednesday’s players’ meeting took place hours after the Milwaukee Bucks refused to go onto the court for Game 5 of their playoff series against Orlando in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man, in Kenosha. , Wisconsin. Of the 13 teams that are still inside the league bubble, only the Lakers and Clippers told their teammates that they would not continue playing. The meeting was controversial, and Clippers point guard Patrick Beverley allegedly interrupted Michele Roberts, president of the National Basketball Players Association, as she spoke.

“We had a very interesting conversation,” Beverley said Friday, before team practice. “The [players association] it’s like a family. I’m pretty sure everyone here and all the cameras pointing at me are all part of one family. You don’t always agree with your family members and that’s fine. You communicate about it and try to improve it. “

The next morning, however, the players on all teams had agreed to resume the playoffs. The season will resume on Saturday, although the date for Thursday’s postponed sixth game between the Clippers and Mavericks has yet to be announced. The Clippers’ change in position followed a long night of arguing.

“Collectively as a team, we just wanted to be united with all the other teams here in the bubble and of course the dialogue we had was between players, just players, but whatever dialogue it was, it turned out to be positive.” Beverley said.

The Clippers spent the wee hours of Friday in a hotel hallway, continuing the debate that began during the bubble-level player meeting.

“I thought Lou [Williams] it was fantastic, kawhi [Leonard] it was fantastic, ”Beverly said. “Marcus [Morris Sr.] it was absolutely wonderful. There were many guys who spoke that night. I was sitting there trying to get them to talk, and they did. A lot of emotion “.
