A LIVELIHOOD training will be provided to people who were rescued from the city streets by the Cebu city government, said Mayor Edgardo Labella.
Labella has instructed the Department of Workforce Development and Placement (DMDP) to provide livelihood training to those qualified individuals.
The Office Against Begging has been evaluating the rescued persons if they are qualified for the training programs.
“For those who can be trained, we have instructed the director of the DMDP, Ms. Daluz, to provide livelihood training,” Labella said.
Labella did not say which livelihoods programs are included in the DMDP.
The DMDP has launched its vocational trainings for displaced workers to learn new skills amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
Despite the effort to rescue the street dwellers, Labella hopes that these individuals will still return to the streets of the city, so she instructed the executing offices to continue carrying out operations to at least reduce the number of inhabitants of the city. Street.
“This has been a City Government problem for many decades and I believe that during our vigilance, if we cannot completely eradicate them, we can reduce it to the optimum,” Labella said.
Labella will also coordinate with the church so interested individuals understand that they need to return home, rather than stay on the sidewalks.
Labella ordered the rescue operation of the street dwellers because every Christmas season, many homeless people and vagrants prowl the city to beg for money.
Labella said that loitering street dwellers have become a major concern now due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
SunStar Cebu tried to contact Anti-Mendicancy officials for a specific breakdown of the people rescued, however phone calls went unanswered. (JJL, PAC)