Join the two-day online conference to listen and connect with the leading forces within the space industry. Learn how to get grants for your space company, how and where the Air Force plans to spend $ 60 billion on R&D, what savvy space investors think, and where they might place their bets. And that’s just the tip of the rocket.
Presentations range from asteroid mining, extra-planetary robotic research, and the future of space exploration to manned spaceflight, manufacturing in space, and supply chain issues. There are just two stellar examples here, and you’ll find many more on the event agenda. Start planning your time now.
Looking for more ways to save? Bring the whole team with a group discount. Tickets are $ 100 each – bring four team members and get the fifth free. Student discount passes cost $ 50, while current government, military, and non-profit employees pay $ 95. Plus, Extra Crunch subscribers get a 20% discount.
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