By Johnny Askounis / [email protected]
Anthony Davis moved to the Los Angeles Lakers in 2019 to fight for an NBA championship. He got his team closer Sunday with a buzzer for a 2-0 best-of-seven lead in the Western Conference finals series against the Denver Nuggets.
“Without a doubt, the greatest opportunity in my career”, admitted to talking to reporters after Game 2, “I’ve never beaten a winner of a game like that before.”
The Lakers wore their special Kobe Bryant jerseys, co-designed by their Hall of Fame guard who died in a helicopter crash in January. After his winning game, AD yelled “Kobe”.
“He made countless shots like that to win a game in the regular season, the playoffs and the final.” Davis recalled, “It was special for me and my team, especially in a situation of going up 2-0. Doing something like that with the shirt we wear tonight makes it even more special. “
“It was a special moment for a special player”, proudly said his teammate, LeBron James, “You are not going to hit them all. It’s not just about taking the shot, it’s having faith and taking it for yourself, and living with the result. “
“That’s a shot that Kobe Bryant would do,” mentioned head coach Frank Vogel, “Just flying to the wing like that, catching and shooting with the biggest game on the line of our season, nothing but the net, it’s a Mamba shot.”
The third game is scheduled for Tuesday.
Photo Credit: Getty Images
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