Currently, the buzzwords in the educational world are synchronous and asynchronous learning management systems for the teaching and learning process.
On the one hand, synchronously, all potential students in a particular class can access the online instructions at the same time as the scheduled one using the student’s available devices through the agreed-upon applications for the delivery system.
On the other hand, the asynchronous form of the teaching-learning process is not fixed in a single approach.
The Department of Education (DepEd), for example, is using the latter. Pupils and students are exposed to educational programs broadcast on national television, online instructions and through the modular approach. The main reason is that not all students can make use of the necessary devices and cannot afford the necessary financial support in the synchronous learning system.
At this juncture, the appropriate way to facilitate the learning process of students or students at home is in the hands of their parents and / or guardians.
In these situations, facilitators may be tempted to do what the students are supposed to do: answering the test questions and doing the activities for the topic, which is equivalent to cheating. If this scenario occurs at home, it is disastrous for the children’s future.
Can you ask why? The intention is very noble, meet the requirements easily among the students. Yes, the performances can be considered heroic, but their long-term effects for the young students will be chaotic for their future.
Understand the educational domain
In order to instill the proper knowledge, instill the correct attitude in students, and practice the necessary skills, it is necessary to understand the educational domains between parents and guardians. Therefore, develop the appropriate character during the young age of the pupils.
Education is a life-long process. In this new normal, both students and their parents / guardians will definitely learn from the educational process. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, face-to-face interaction in the classroom is not yet allowed, both students and their parents / guardians will definitely learn from the educational process at home.
The three domains of education that will guide learning facilitators are the following: cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
The cognitive educational domain are the intellectual aspects of man’s life. BS Bloom advanced that the cognitive domain involves the knowledge and development of intellectual abilities, which include the memory or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills.
The affective domain is the behavioral aspects of man’s life, which include the way individuals handle things emotionally, such as their feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation, and attitude. In this area, the development of a positive or favorable attitude of individuals towards any educational activity is required. Therefore, the emotional quotient or EQ of the students must be improved towards excellence.
Meanwhile, the psychomotor domain is the manual or technical aspects learned by students / students through real and practical exposure to the activities in question. According to EJ Simpson, developing skills requires real practice.
So, an individual learns by cultivating his own head or mind for cognitive matters, his own heart or feelings related to the behavioral or attitudinal treatment of the subject, and his own hands for the manual or technical activities that are required.
Therefore, the activities for learners specified in their guides or learning modules must be carried out personally by the learners themselves. Again, alone and with the guidance of the facilitators: parents or guardians.
So what is the role of parents or guardians, including their teachers? Teachers and household elders should act simply as facilitators of learning, not as actors or doers, nor as those who will answer the test questions and prepare the necessary results for the required activities. Students should be the ones to actually experience all of these endeavors, thereby acquiring intellectual and technical skills for future use in the world of work.
What if they made mistakes in the process? Learning facilitators should serve as guides for students to arrive at the correct answers and the appropriate results.
As facilitators of learning, parents / guardians should not immediately enter correct answers or do the activities themselves for students. With them, they have taught their children the right attitude towards problem solving and decision making. And thus, facilitators have served as agents of change, since education, in this language, means change.
At the end of the day, the facilitators should check what are the changes or developments that have occurred among the students after exposing them to the learning guides or modules and achieve what is required of them using the following barometers: 1) Does your system of knowledge has been updated? 2) Did they develop a positive or favorable attitude towards the subject? and 3) Are your manual or technical skills up to date?
All the observed change indicators will be negative if the parents or guardians were the ones who carried out the activities. However, all indicators of change will be affirmative: that the knowledge system was updated, a positive attitude developed, and manual and technical skills were updated, only if the students themselves carried out the required activities.
Tips for facilitators
Here are some tips to do facilitation work at home right and help learners / students to learn:
– No one can make someone learn or can give learning to a person – it is an individual effort.
– Before learning occurs, an individual must experience the following processes: 1) noticing something that is equivalent to their consciousness, 2) wanting something or feeling the need, 3) doing something that prompts action, and 4) getting some of the action. done what gives satisfaction to students. Exposure is the key factor. They should be required to read and understand the learning materials provided before meeting the requirements.
– Students must understand that the lessons they have at hand can be applied in their future lives and that the very purpose of today’s companies is to help them prepare for their future world of work.
– Students respond better to praise (positive hits) than to criticism (negative hits). Therefore, avoid hatred or anger during study sessions.
– Students also get bored as their interest in a particular topic or situation lasts less time. Therefore, proper motivation is needed. Both extrinsic motivators, such as incentives for a job well done, and intrinsic motivators, such as verbal praise, physical touches of encouragement, and the like, should be provided to students on a regular basis.
– Facilitators must make sure that students know how to follow the instructions given in the learning guides and / or modules. This is the fundamental lesson that students must master, first and foremost.
– Study rooms must be conducive to learning. There should be adequate lighting and there should be no other facilities such as television and game materials that could attract the attention of students and distract their attention in the study.
Therefore, the facilitation of the learning process at home could be done through proper guidance and supervision among students by parents or guardians and not by giving them a spoon, which will eventually lead to an attitude of dependency.
Remember, they are studying today for the sole purpose of preparing for their future lives. As soon as possible, they should be trained as independent individuals capable of solving the problems at hand and making decisions for themselves. Therefore, a significant character has developed at home.
The Chinese adage that says “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, but teach him to fish and then feed him for the rest of his life” is the best reminder for parents and guardians today.
They will develop character among children and not a disaster for their future. Dependence will develop if they spoon-feed the students, therefore, they cannot be alone in the future, creating highly dependent individuals, a disaster for the family and for the country.
We elders have already been created in our own respective worlds. Let us serve as exceptional motivators and facilitators, the guiding light for our children and grandchildren for their future success.
Dr. Antonio G. Papa is a retired university professor in the Faculty of Economics, Management and Development Studies at Cavite State University in Indang, Cavite. In 2018, he served as a Scientist 1 and Consultant at Marinduque State College in Boac, Marinduque. He graduated with a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Extension Education from Los Baños University of the Philippines in Laguna in 1986 and 1991, respectively.