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Google recently launched a new feature for all Gmail users, namely that it could have and switch between multiple email signatures. It’s easy and you can take advantage of it to get a little more creative with your emails.
Multiple signatures to exchange doesn’t sound, at first glance, terribly useful. But suppose you are using the same email address to, for example, communicate with colleagues and clientele. You don’t necessarily want to respond to both in the same way. You might want to reply to your colleagues with a silly movie dating signature that will make them laugh, but to your customers with a digital business card. Now you can do both (just don’t confuse them).
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Here’s how to switch between signatures in Gmail.
First, you need to create multiple signatures. To do so, go to your Settings menu and look for it in the “General” tab. You may have to scroll a bit, but eventually you will get to the Signatures section. If you already have a signature, it will appear as “My Signature”. Click “Create New” to make a secondary one. Here I am, preemptively, making a Halloween-themed signature:
Don’t forget to save your changes before exiting Settings. Guess who learned the hard way.
Now that you have more than one signature, you can switch between them when you compose a new email. Google has usefully added a pencil icon to the formatting toolbar, which means you can change signatures on the go.
Choose from the signatures you have already composed, or you can choose no signature if you want to use all of the Wild West in your contacts. The stylus also gives you quick access to signature settings, should you decide you need to create a new one on the go.
And that is! Now you can sign your emails differently for each type of contact. Good luck!
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