Denise Stapley took over Jeff Probst’s job on the Tribal Council


Survivor: winners at war it is the 40th season of the long-running show; However, there are still a lot of news per week. Jeff Probst finds whispering, parallel conversations, and standing up on tribal council intriguing. Fans enjoyed the change of pace at first.

However, in episode 12, Denise Stapley finally did what fans have asked Probst to do for weeks. She took Probst’s job and closed the whispers at the tribal council.

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Jeremy Collins, Denise Stapley, Tony Vlachos, Kim Spradlin, Ben Driebergen, Michele Fitzgerald, Nick Wilson and Sarah Lacina on the Tribal Council
Jeremy Collins, Denise Stapley, Tony Vlachos, Kim Spradlin, Ben Driebergen, Michele Fitzgerald, Nick Wilson and Sarah Lacina at the Tribal Council | CBS Entertainment

‘Survivor 40: Winners at War Episode 12’: What Happened at the Tribal Council?

The last weeks of Survivor: winners at war he saw an increase in parallel discussions and whispers in the Tribal Council. In the previous seasons of the show, Probst asked questions while the castaways answered. During this time, the other survivors were expected to remain silent in their seats.

Last week, fans took a breath of fresh air when there were no parallel discussions. Some even questioned whether CBS and theSurvivor The producers had edited the whisper, due to fan complaints. However, the parallel conversations started again this week, until Denise did what viewers in her homes beg Probst.

“I’m done,” Denise told Jeremy when she tried to whisper to him at the Tribal Council. “I am ready to vote.”

She closed it.

“However, do you know that you’re only safe tonight?” Jeremy asked him.

“I realize that,” Denise replied.

Then everyone else stopped talking and whispering. Probst cautiously asked if they were ready to vote. The group nodded in silence and then proceeded to vote. Both Tony and Jeremy considered the advantages of playing, but ended up deciding against it. In a five to three vote, Kim Spradlin-Wolfe was sent to the brink of extinction.

Fans Praised Denise Stapley for Closing the Whispers at the Tribal Council

“Props for Miss Denise to lock everyone up in Tribal like we all wanted”, a fan wrote on Twitter.

Viewers on all social media commented on how happy they were that Denise was in charge of ending the discussions.

“Denise was ABOUT the tribal whisper, and saying what we thought was the highlight of the episode,” wrote another fan on Reddit.

Other fans added that parallel conversations should be banned once contestants arrive at the tribal council.

“There should be no talk after the vote outside of playing an idol / lead,” added another fan.

Fans worry that Denise’s tone at the Tribal Council may harm her game

“Yes, I understand where I was coming from right now, really, but that didn’t sit well with me,” said one fan.

Some fans are concerned that the cheeky tone Denise used with Jeremy is going to hurt her. She yelled at him abruptly and told him directly that she didn’t want to work with him. Then she wrote his name, and he was not voted.

“How did this harm Denise’s reputation?” another fan questioned. “Shutting down all those things that shouldn’t be happening in tribal? It makes me want her better. Unless she refers to her position in the game, which was going to happen regardless of the vote.”

Another fan noted that whether he spoke harshly to Jeremy or not is irrelevant. She has not yet voted with the majority of the players, and now may not have an alliance.

The series airs on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.

Read more: “Survivor 40: Winners at War”: Fans Beg Jeff Probst to Close Whisper at Tribal Council
