What is excess water, how does it harm plants and how to avoid it – Manila Bulletin


What is excess water, how does it harm plants and how to avoid it?

Watering plants often leaves gardeners confused and concerned, particularly how often and how much water to give. One of the most common reasons plants wilt is due to excess water.

Overwatering means keeping the soil too wet for a long period of time. It is not determined by the amount of water applied, but rather by how often it is done and how well the soil or container can drain excess water, which can filter the nutrients plants need to grow.

Overwatering usually causes unhealthy roots and even root rot in plants. Soil that remains too wet for a long time also deprives the roots of oxygen.

When watering plants, remember to find out your preferred water levels to avoid overwatering. For example, plants that prefer to stay evenly moist, such as the peace lily, should be watered only when the soil surface is dry.

To know when to water plants like these, wait until the soil looks and feels dry before poking a finger into the soil to see if it is dry an inch below the top. If so, it’s time to water. If you’re not sure when to water, wait a day or two because plants can recover from slight wilting due to dryness rather than fatal root infection from overwatering.

For plants like cacti that prefer to be dry between waterings, leave the soil until it feels dry almost to the bottom of the pot before watering.

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