CAPTAIN AMERICA, also known as American Hollywood actor Chris Evans, is Smart’s sponsor for its “Live Smarter for a Better World” campaign.
Through the campaign, Smart aims to “inspire people to commit to sustainable actions with a positive and lasting impact on society” and “encourage everyone to ignite their passions to help change the world for the better,” according to a statement. press.
Evans is the star of the Captain America movies, part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the latest of which, Avengers Endgame, is the highest grossing film, with more than $ 2.79 billion worldwide.
Last year, Evans launched A Starting Point, a civic engagement platform where he interviews various American politicians and stakeholders in one-minute videos to discuss American politics and newsworthy issues.
“It is a real honor for us to collaborate with Chris on this project. He captivated the world by being a hero not only in film but also in real life by using his influence to help shape a better world for all, ”said Jane J. Basas, senior vice president and chief wireless business officer for Smart consumers. in a sentence. “By lending your star power and calling to support our campaign, we hope to inspire more people to unleash their inner hero and unleash their own power to help change the world, one positive action at a time. “
On March 4, President Manny V. Pangilinan retweeted the commercial on his official account with the caption: “On behalf of @ smart life, it is an honor to welcome @Chris Evans to the Smart family. Thanks, Cap for joining us. “
The commercial is directed by Pascal Heiduk, who has also worked at TVC for brands such as BMW, Montblanc and Mercedes Benz AMG. The two-minute TVC ends with Mr. Evans saying, “Simple, Intelligent How! “