At a New Years press conference on Monday, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said an emergency declaration was under consideration and would apply to Tokyo and the three neighboring prefectures of Chiba, Saitama and Kanagawa. The governors of the four regions have urged Suga to do so now, as cases increase.
“If necessary, we will not hesitate to dispatch medical personnel from the Self-Defense Forces,” Suga added, saying the government will support medical facilities to ensure they are not overwhelmed.
Suga did not say when the government would make a decision or what restrictions could be enacted. Japan’s first state of emergency, declared last spring, relatively early in the pandemic, lasted more than a month and closed non-essential schools and businesses.
On Sunday, Japan recorded 3,150 new cases and 51 deaths, bringing the national total to 244,559, with more than 3,612 deaths. The Greater Tokyo region has been among the worst hit, with 816 new cases on Sunday after last Thursday posting a new single-day record of 1,337.
Japan was one of the first countries to be hit by the pandemic, but the government was able to keep cases at bay by enacting strict border controls, investing efforts in contact tracing and pressuring its citizens to practice social distancing. The efforts had been highly successful, and Japan was able to avoid the kind of strict blockades enacted in other parts of the world.
Japanese health officials have continually urged citizens to cut back on their daily activities, stay vigilant, and eat out only small amounts, but that no longer appears to be enough to stop the spread of the pandemic.
“Japan’s response is too slow and confusing, reflecting the lack of leadership and strategy. On the one hand, they encouraged domestic travel and eating out, on the other, they simply asked people to be careful,” said Kenji Shibuya , director of the Institute of Population Health at King’s College London. “Basically, the government asks people to behave voluntarily, but it doesn’t do more than that.”
Whether and how many foreign spectators can attend the Olympic Games will be decided in spring.
Suga has promised to “take the lead” on vaccination, saying on Monday that a successful Olympics would serve as “proof that humans have overcome the coronavirus.”
Junko Ogura reported from Tokyo, Japan, James Griffiths reported from Hong Kong. CNN’s Joshua Berlinger and Selina Wang contributed to this report.