Wearing snow goggles could help protect you from COVID


Whether you’re on the slopes or at the grocery store, snow goggles are the go-to accessory when it comes to goggles this season.

Just like protective goggles prevent unwanted snow particles from entering your eyes and potentially damaging your vision, they serve a similar purpose by blocking viral loads that contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Snow goggles prevent this virus from infiltrating the eye canals, which is important because once this protective barrier is compromised, the virus moves up into our nasopharynx and down into our lungs, where it causes the most irreparable damage.

There are a few known modes of entry for SARS-CoV-2 to mount in our bodies. One way that the coronavirus can cross that bridge from outside and inside our bodies to overwhelm our immune system response is through the mucous membranes of our eyes. Why are the eyes considered a vulnerable entry point for the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

This virus needs a host receptor before it can enter our body and shut down our respiratory system. The ACE2 receptor protein acts as a friendly host for any SARS-CoV-2 plagued viral load, and in turn introduces this deadly virus into various vital organs such as the lungs, heart, kidneys, and liver. Like a vampire, SARS-Cov-2 cannot enter your “home” without first being invited by this ACE2 receptor protein. The mucous membrane of our eyes contains a large amount of this ACE2 receptor protein, providing another vulnerable entry point and justifying the request for more rigorous protective goggles in the battle against COVID-19.

The aforementioned facts and the following quote from board-certified family medicine physician Abisola Olulade could convince you to buy a pair of snow goggles to protect yourself from becoming one of many new confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus around the world. .

“Theoretically, snow goggles can protect you because the coronavirus can enter through the mucous membranes of the eyes. If someone coughs or sneezes and comes into contact with your eyes, this could lead to COVID. If someone touches a surface that has coronavirus and then touches their eyes, this could potentially cause an infection of the membranes of the eye. “

Recent studies and autopsies reveal a dangerous link between unprotected eyes and the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

In a recent study looking at essential workers caring for COVID-19 positive patients, 8% of them became infected themselves after not wearing protective eyewear. Doctors and nurses who opted for protective eyewear had a low 1% infection rate.

This study, found in its entirety here, emphasized the importance of wearing safety glasses for hospital staff providing care for intubated patients in the following statement. “Given the common characteristic of sporadic cases and the higher viral load of aerosols in the hospital, the route of ocular transmission in hospitals must be seriously considered. Lack of eye protection can lead to exposure of the ocular surface or facial skin exposure, which can then spread from the facial skin to the hands and other mucous membranes. Therefore, in addition to the usual masks, gowns and gloves, glasses and frequent hand washing are essential protective measures, especially for medical personnel in close contact with COVID-19 patients. ”

In fact, when PPE stocks were low amid the pandemic in April, hospital staff pulled snow goggles out of their “winter fun” cabinets for added protection. The way cases are increasing again in the United States considers this to be a call to action to take some additional precautions to prevent this virus from any point of access by wearing protective glasses, even if we are not directly serving patients affected by COVID-19.

Autopsies performed on patients with fatal cases of COVID-19 also revealed the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in epithelial tissue, cornea, tear ducts, and conjunctival tissue. Another patient also reported immense eye pain and distress after being released from the hospital after an apparent full recovery from COVID-19. She later had to undergo surgery to relieve her of the complications associated with an acute glaucoma attack. While her respiratory functionality improved, she had yet to address the damage this virus did to her eyes.

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may want to get tested to make sure you don’t unknowingly spread this virus in your community on your weekly errands or have to deal with more serious eye distress in the future due to a positive COVID. 19 diagnosis:

  • Eye pain
  • Itchy eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Crying eyes
  • Mucous discharge
  • Gritty eyes
  • Foreign body sensation

In conclusion

Until a vaccine is distributed to the general public, we must do everything possible to protect ourselves from SARS-CoV-2 virus infection through our own mitigation efforts and behaviors.

Wearing snow goggles is just another mitigation effort in the long list of defenses we already have to combat this new coronavirus. Snow goggles can be especially effective against viral loads that fall on our corneal surfaces due to the strong grip around our eyes. Protective equipment such as goggles, goggles, masks, gloves, and face shields, along with vigorous hand washing and refraining from touching your eyes, nose, and mouth after potentially being in contact with an infected person, will help us spend this winter with our health intact.
