Ireland could provide a Covid-19 vaccine to everyone in the country who wants one by August 2021 in a “pretty positive scenario,” a senior official in charge of implementing the vaccine said on Tuesday.
Although it is impossible to be precise, “a very positive scenario that we would be seeing for the month of August would be the arrival of more than 2 million doses of vaccine,” said the president of the government’s Covid-19 Vaccines Working Group, Brian MacCraith. he told RTE radio.
“If all the things that are in that model are met in terms of expected approval dates and expected delivery schedules, one would be looking at that stage of being very close to or at the point of closing the vaccination of most of the population from Ireland who wants to get vaccinated, ”he said.
The model on which this prediction is based excludes people under 18 years of age and pregnant women, who are not allowed to take the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, and the fact that a minority of the population is likely to reject the vaccination.
The first Covid-19 vaccines are due to be administered in Ireland on December 29, and the vaccines will be available in four hospitals across the country.
The first recipient of the vaccine in Ireland is expected to be Annie, a 79-year-old grandmother from Dublin.
The vaccination program is scheduled to begin in hospital settings before moving to more than 580 nursing homes as of January 4.
This good news from the launch of the vaccine comes as the country sees an increase in Covid cases, with 765 cases reported on Monday, December 28.
Deaths remain relatively low in the country, with 46 deaths recorded in the week of December 21-28.