Indonesia asks Brazil for data on Chinese vaccine
With the slow development of its own phase three clinical trial of a Covid-19 vaccine candidate, Indonesia said it has requested data from Brazil, where a similar trial is progressing smoothly.
It expects to receive the CoronaVac safety and efficacy data from Chinese company Sinovac Biotech by December 28, and hopes to finally begin implementing its vaccination program in January.
The phase three clinical trial is the final stage that a vaccine candidate must approve before the regulatory agency gives it the go-ahead for use in the relevant country.
BPOM, the Indonesian equivalent of the US Food and Drug Administration, requested the data through its Foreign Ministry, which then contacted Brazil’s National Health Surveillance Agency and Sinovac, a government official said.
“Within days after receiving the data, BPOM can issue its emergency use authorization on the vaccine, when a full evaluation is done.”
Brazil carried out a strict clinical trial at Sinovac’s CoronaVac and started the trial before Indonesia, the official added.
Dr. Penny K. Lukito, Director of BPOM, has said that she is always ready to adjust to the choice of a vaccine as long as it has gone through the proper trials.
?? Clinical trials do not have to take place in Indonesia. Data from the country where the vaccines come from can be used as the basis for BPOM to evaluate and decide on the approval of emergency use, ”he said.
Indonesia has so far secured commitments for the shipment of 189 million doses of Sinovac vaccines from China, Novavax and Maryland-based Covax, an international Covid-19 vaccine allocation platform co-led by the World Health Organization.
Brazil, Indonesia, Singapore and Turkey are among the countries expected to use CoronaVac as part of their vaccination program.
Indonesia, the most populous country in Southeast Asia, plans to vaccinate 107.2 million people between the ages of 18 and 59, out of a population of 270 million. Those with existing or unfit medical conditions will not be included in the program.
You have also reserved a 15% reserve for your vaccine reservation. With two doses each, he would need 247 million doses in his reserve for next year.
Brazil registered 22,967 additional cases of the new coronavirus and 482 related deaths in the last 24 hours, the country’s Ministry of Health revealed on Friday. Brazil has now registered a total of 7,448,560 confirmed coronavirus cases and 190,488 deaths from COVID-19.