Looking back at GAB’s achievements in 2020
Rick Olivares (Philstar.com) – December 23, 2020 – 5:02 pm
MANILA, Philippines – The year 2020 is almost over. While most can’t wait for this pandemic-ridden year to end, there are notable events in the local sporting world that made this year bearable, even if not worth it.
Philstar.com I spoke with the Chairman of the Board of Games and Entertainment, Baham Mitra, and we came up with a list of the six best things that can happen to Philippine sports this 2020.
1. The resumption of professional sports by conducting professional sporting events through NBA-inspired bubbles. There was the Chooks to Go 3×3 Tournament held at the Inspire Academy in Calamba, Laguna, the Philippine Soccer League in Carmona, Cavite, and the Philippine Basketball Association Philippine Cup held in Clark.
2. The creation of the special guest license promote professional sports at the university level.
3. Incorporation into professional sports categories by entities such as the Philippine Professional Chess Association, the Premier Volleyball League, Chooks to Go 3×3 Pilipinas, the National Basketball League, and the National Women’s Basketball League, the country’s first professional women’s basketball league.
4. Promotion of gender neutrality in professional sports empowering female athletes.
5. Strengthening ties with sports stakeholders with the regular online program Kamustahan sa GAB.
And finally,
6. Second Summit of Professional Sports, which was held virtually due to the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, with more than 360 participants across the country.
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