Contraband luxury cars seized by Customs in the port of Manila


The total value of second-hand cars was estimated at 20 million pesos. Photo of the Customs Office brochure

MANILA – A shipment of contraband second-hand luxury vehicles initially declared as furniture was seized at the Manila International Container Port, according to the Customs Office.

The BOC announced the apprehension on Monday, but the seizure occurred on October 20.

According to customs officials, the shipment was imported by Blue Core Enterprises and declared movable, but upon examination, it contained luxury vehicles such as a Porsche, Bentley, Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen half cut.

The total value of second-hand cars was estimated at 20 million pesos.

The importer is under investigation and may face charges for violation of the Modernization and Customs Tariffs Act (CMTA).

The BOC reiterated that the importation of second-hand vehicles is strictly prohibited in the Philippines.

BOC, Customs, Manila, luxury vehicles, smuggled vehicles, smuggled cars, luxury cars, second-hand cars, second-hand vehicles
