Donald Trump to Host First In-Person Event Since Covid-19 Diagnosis – Live | US News




It was the week the men in white coats finally came for Donald Trump.

Seven masked doctors emerged from Walter Reed Military Hospital outside Washington to try to assure a skeptical world that their most famous patient was beating the coronavirus.

They had lobbied the President of the United States to take experimental antiviral drugs and prescribed an aggressive course of steroids that was not available to the average patient.

But they failed to cure what many critics consider Trump’s primary pathology: chronic narcissism. He took a triumphant helicopter flight back to a Covid-19-ravaged White House, staged a badass “The Mussolini Moment” on his balcony, and unleashed a blitzkrieg of tweets so erratic they surprised even Trump’s seasoned watchers. battle.

Doctors said his physical vital signs were improving; Pollsters said his political vitals were stagnating, with his rival, Joe Biden, leading by 16 percentage points in a CNN poll less than a month before the presidential election. Some said that if Trump deliberately tried to sabotage his own campaign, he could hardly do a better job than last week.

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